A Tale of Two Angela's: Qanon 3/10

in #informationwar6 years ago

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(928)Mar 10 2018 16:35:34
Angela Dorothea Kasner.
Daughter of a Pastor?
Name of FATHER?
History of FATHER?
Hitler youth (member).
Haircut today vs THEN (A).
US Intelligence post war controlled who?
The ‘Mission’
Who is Angela Hitler?
Relationship to Adolf?
How were children named in Germany during this period?
First or middle.
Family tree.
Risk of ‘conspiracy’ label the deeper we go.
Truth will shock the WORLD.

Q had a busy day on Mar. 10, but for the purposes of this post, I want to focus on this particular rubric. Angela Merkel (nee Kasner) was born in 1954 so the assumption underlying the relationship to Hitler lies in his not having been killed (or committed suicide). EXCEPT, that it is entirely possible, given the scramble to garner German scientists under Project Paperclip, that they possessed the capability to clone as suggested in the 1970's movie "The Boys From Brazil." The only other necessity would be cryogenic storage, not really much of an issue. So let's take this "conspiracy theory" to its logical conclusion.

The photos above show Chancellor Angela Merkel on the left and Hitler's sister Angela on the right. Am I the only one that can see a striking family resemblance? Merkel's Wikipedia page suggests that her father was a German clergyman- a Lutheran minister who relocated the family to East Germany when Angela was young. The Stasi file tells a different story... "
Date: March 26, 2017
Author: 50 Shades Of Pissed Off

What Happened To Hitler’s Frozen Sperm?

“The Stasi File According to the Stasi GDR File, the daughter of Hitler is now holding the same office as her father – Chancellor of Germany.

She is said to be one of the most powerful human beings on Earth since she is also the President of the European Union (EU) and head of the powerful Western Economic Block known as the G-8. More concerning is that Hitler’s dream of uniting Europe under German/Vatican control is now within his daughter’s reach.

In 1954, a child was born, a baby girl, whom the Stasi File identifies as Angela Merkel, today’s Chancellor of Germany. Her official birthday is July 17, 1954. However, the Stasi file which is currently in the Soviet KGB archives, records her birth as April 20, 1954. If this secret police citizen’s file in the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (GDR) is correct, then Hitler’s daughter, Angela Merkel, was born on Adolph Hitler’s birthday – April 20." According to a website named "Fiftyshadesofpissedoff.com" Merkel is indeed Hitler's daughter by the method I mentioned above.


Angela Merkel’s birth, as detailed in the Stasi file, was based on the research of the German Doctor Karl Klauberg. Klauberg was classified as one of the worst Nazi ‘ Angel of Death ’ doctors and was convicted by the Soviet Courts as a ‘war criminal’. According to the reports, Doctor Klauberg was released by the Soviets after serving only seven years of his sentence in return for turning over to the KGB his hidden files on his Nazi artificial insemination experiments and, more horrifically, the frozen sperm of the former Nazi Dictator, Adolf Hitler." According to the website, the actual mother of Merkel was Gretl Braun, the younger sister of Hitler's mistress Eva Braun. "Hitler’s father, who took the name Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Solomon Rothschild’s mistress Anna Maria Schicklgruber. Upon receipt of the Nazi files on artificial insemination, along with Hitler’s frozen sperm, the Soviet Politicheskoye Buro (Politburo) authorized the experiments to ‘resurrect’, ‘if possible’, a child bearing the ‘genetic markers’ of Adolph Hitler. It was ‘reasoned’ that the combining of the genes between Hitler’s sperm and Eva Braun’s closest family would produce for the Soviets a ‘near match’ of what a child of Hitler and Eva Braun would have been, should one have been born.

Doctor Klauberg brought Gretl Braun to the GDR (Communist East Germany). She was the youngest sister of Hitler’s wife, Eva Braun. Gretl Braun was chosen as the ‘surrogate’ mother of Hitler’s offspring using artificial insemination from Hitler’s frozen sperm. Gretl Braun was a member of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), whose ideology centered on the principles of Marxism and the interests of the working class and trade unions." If this is correct it throws a completely different light on European politics and perhaps geopolitics as a whole... or is it just conspiracy theory?


"Soon after the birth of Hitler’s baby girl, an agreement between the Soviets, the Americans and the Vatican was arranged. Hitler’s baby was placed under the ‘control’ of the Catholic Church through its ‘connections’ with the GDR Lutheran Church which took custody of the baby.

She was given a false date of birth, July 17, and the name Angela Dorothea Kasner, daughter of Horst Kasner, a Lutheran pastor, and his wife, Herlind – an English and Latin teacher. There in the countryside at Templin in East Germany, Merkel was raised about 50 miles north of Berlin, the capital of the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR)" Perhaps the last statement puts this photo from Qanon's 3/10 post some perspective.


Q's post also includes an allusion to Hitler Youth and the above picture shows the relationship between the Vatican and Nazis. The agreement, according to the website, could only come to fruition when a German ascended to the chair of the Papacy... in other words, German Cardinal and former Hitler Jungend Joseph Ratzinger...
Google Images.

There is also mention of haircuts then and now... This is Angela Merkel during her days in East Germany when she was a member of the Frei Deutsche Jungend (FDJ) a Communist youth organization...

The Mission was the name of an American OSS (predecessor to CIA) to secure German war technologies in post-war Germany. Called the Alsos Mission its aim according to Wikipedia was "an organized effort by a team of United States military, scientific, and intelligence personnel to discover enemy scientific developments during World War II. Its chief focus was on the German nuclear energy project, but it also investigated both chemical and biological weapons and the means to deliver them." The deeper you dig the deeper the rabbit hole becomes.

How much veracity any of this has is anybody's guess. I just follow the cryptic breadcrumbs and report what I find. I began with an educated guess as to how Hitler could have sired Angela Merkel and went from there. Then I found the link to the website... then to the Alsos Mission. I'll keep reporting and leave it to people smarter than me to draw the conclusions.

More to come:





Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Finally an explanation for Merkel's alliance with islamic invasion of germany, she is just continuing the alliance her father built with the grand mufti of jerusalem.
Our Purpose

I always hated her ventriloquist-puppet-like jawline. She has the jowls of a morbidly obese old man.

Not to mention the eyes of her "father."

OMG Angela Merkel is the daughter of Hitler through donated frozen sperm of Hitler. The dynasty continues. Scary thought. Someone should pick up on this story. It is headline material. Thanks @richq11

The same article states that Hitler's paternal grandmother was Maria Schicklgruber a peasant and mistress for the Rothschild's so Hitler is related(???).

Thanks for sharing the information

I find it far fetched. And if true why go through all that trouble. Any loyal brilliant minded Marxist could have been elevated to Chancellor.

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