In Cahoots With the Devil

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


by revoltingpeasant

Julian Assange continues to sit in forced isolation. While the people of the world venerate him and rally in support, it's the opposite from the elites' mouthpiece-media. With the exception of an occasional event that puts the corporate media light on him briefly, he is mostly ignored, left to stagnate by the obfuscation of that same media.

The question is, why? What has he done? Or for that matter, what has Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden, or any other conscientious whistle-blowing truth seeker done?
Their error, their great sin, was to shine a light on the evil in power. Bringing them to account; forcing them to face the consequences of their actions.

It matters not what name we give that evil - Trump or Assad or Hitler or Mohammad bin Salman or Pinochet or the Devil, they are ultimately all part of or in service to evil.

When the Abu Ghraib scandal broke the immediate damage control strategy by the military and CIA was to blame the mess on the person who photographed the atrocities, and the person who released those photographs. The fixers thus attempted to deflect attention away from the horrific crimes perpetrated on the prisoners. The official position was that leaking unapproved photographs was the crime, not the inhuman torture and degradation of human beings. Jeremy Scahill touched on this in an excellent 2006 article.

It's interesting to note that if one of these military/CIA operatives were to treat their dog in such a manner they would be arrested. But subhuman sand niggers? Not a problem.

This scenario is being played out again in the Gina Haspel farce; although the Kafkaesque Haspel obscenity is different in the sense that in no way is Haspel a conscientious whistle-blowing truth seeker.

If today a little boy were to yell out "But the Emperor has no clothes," what would be the outcome?
If it happened in the Trump domain, that boy would most likely end up in Guantanamo.

Guantanamo - RT screengrab.jpg
Guantanamo Prisoner, Image RT screengrab

If it happened in the Netanyahu domain, it would merit an exploding bullet - at least in the knee.

If it happened in Canada we probably wouldn't shoot him or put him in jail. But if one of our war criminal 'friends' whom we've been askissing for approval ever since the day we supposedly stopped being a colony was doing it, we would send our special forces in to ensure the bullet,
Or if it was a flight to Guantanamo, we'd refuel the plane on the way there.

All in all, Assange could be worse off. Had the spooks managed to grab him before he found shelter, such as it is, it would be him in Guantanamo.
Or disappeared.

First image - Pixabay

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