This is how Juan Guaidó entered Venezuela through Maiquetía after a week of international tour


On Monday, March 4, and as announced by Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly and president in charge of Venezuela, he arrived in the country after a week of international tour. This despite the threats of imprisonment made by the Maduro government.

He arrived at the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía, in La Guaira (Vargas), after noon.

Upon landing at the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía, civil society supporters and ambassadors from different countries were waiting for it.

Guaidó addressed a few words to the crew and passengers of the plane that returned him to the country before landing at the Maiquetía international airport.

"What will happen in Venezuela in the coming days and we will undoubtedly achieve our democracy, our freedom," said Guaidó through a speaker.

The Venezuelan leader pointed out that "we are doing well because we are going with everything". "Viva Venezuela," he added.

Between applause and prayers, the passengers wished Guaidó the best of luck and supported their return to the country.


Migration officials from Venezuela to Guaidó: "Welcome President"

The president of the National Assembly, who was sworn in as interim president, Juan Guaidó said Monday that he was received at the Maiquetía International Airport in Caracas by immigration officials with great respect.

When asked by the journalists about how they were treated by the Migration officials, the opposition leader replied that they told him "Bienvenido Presidente". His passport was not canceled as he announced during a rally in Plaza Sadel in Caracas.


Catia la Mar came down and greeted

"Waiting for the embrace of that sea of people who inspire and commit us: the people of my coast! Let's go to the sea. And then, direct to Caracas "


On arrival at Alfredo Sadel square

Guaidó's joy was so great that he decided to mount on the scaffolding of the stage such a monkey to greet the followers who were concentrating on the place.

With a smile and an always impeccable suit, Juan Guaidó showed himself today in Caracas in defiance of Nicolás Maduro's regime, which is recognized and supported by more than 50 countries.



Guaidó to the Armed Forces: What else are you going to expect?

The Armed Forces, what else are you going to expect? They've already seen how more than 700 officers are on the side of the Constitution, and there are cynics around who are saying that it is not enough, "said Guaidó before dozens of supporters who came to a meeting. plaza in the east of Caracas to offer his support after his return to the country.

"We know that 80% are in favor of change, we know, they have communicated with us, they have spoken to us," assured the head of Parliament who in January proclaimed himself president in charge of Venezuela, considering that Maduro usurps the Presidency.

Guaidó reiterated this call to the Armed Forces after his arrival in Venezuela after conducting a tour of several countries in South America that began on February 22, thus circumventing Maduro's ban on leaving the country.

"They threatened us all here in jail, death, and I say to them, it has not been through persecution, it is not going to be through the threats that are going to stop us, here we are stronger and united that never with the look in the future ".

He commented, addressing the members of the Armed Forces, that despite these threats "someone did not comply, many did not comply" with the orders that they were supposedly given by the Executive.

He reiterated that "the chain of command is broken because the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces derives from the popular vote and whoever usurps functions, no matter how much he wants to disguise with a band because we're in carnival, he's not the president, here's the president in charge of the Republic of Venezuela ".

He told the military that as head of Parliament and as president in charge, he "asks, demands, orders", that they "definitively detain the groups and prisoners who acted on February 23" as Maduro's armed wing and repressed the citizens that day they asked for humanitarian aid to enter the country.

"Enough of impunity, we can not look the other way when they massacre our indigenous people."

What did Guaidó say on the day of his return to Venezuela?

Agenda for the week: "Tomorrow (Tuesday, March 5) I will convene a meeting with all the unions, with all public employees, to make an important announcement to the country tomorrow. And on Saturday, attention, we continue on the streets. "

Details about your arrival: "Why am I here? Attention, gentlemen of the Armed Forces. It is clear that after the threats someone did not comply. Many did not comply. We said the same on January 5. The chain of command is broken. " Guaidó showed his passport to the crowd and said smiling that the document passed "safe and sound". Later, while answering questions to the press, he added that the officials of the Immigration area received him with affection. "They told me: 'Welcome, President.'"

Sanctions and military on his side: He also assured journalists that "the sanctions and protection of Venezuela's assets abroad will be increased" and that "more than 700 active officers have accepted the Amnesty Law" .

Balance on the day of February 23: "Can we catalog as successful on February 23? Of course not. And not because of the goodwill of all of you, the good will of the United States, Colombia, Brazil, Curaçao, who helped us in the collection. Or the goodwill of the millions of volunteers who continue to insist. I tell you something, the regime used its last line of defense, armed groups, armed prisoners, to massacre our indigenous people. "

New call to the Armed Forces: "It is not enough at this moment, as they have done, they did it on the 23rd, play with arms down. They must stop the armed groups that acted on February 23. To be an accomplice by omission is also to be an accomplice."


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