Maduro ordered his ministers to put their charges to order to initiate a "deep restructuring"


Nicolás Maduro asked his ministers to make their positions available to initiate a "deep restructuring" in the executive's high command.

"Nicolas Maduro has asked the entire Executive Cabinet to place his charges to the order for the purpose of a profound restructuring of the methods and functioning of the Bolivarian government," Twitter reported Delcy Rodríguez, vice president of Hugo Chávez's successor.

Meanwhile Guaido announces the operation freedom


The president of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó, who was sworn in as interim president, began this weekend the so-called Operation Freedom, which will take him to travel the country from end to end, seeking to organize the opposition base and add wills in its purpose of generating a change in the conduct of the country.

"The time for definitions has arrived. For the international community to do more and the Armed Forces do what they must, we have to move on to a level of organization, pressure and mobilization never before seen. The moment of Operation Freedom has come to cease the usurpation. "

"We started a new stage, we are going to visit all the possible states, we are going to organize ourselves very well in the operation of freedom for the definitive cessation of the usurpation," said Guaidó, recognized as president in charge of more than 50 countries headed by the United States.

"We will form Committees of Aid and Freedom in every street of Venezuela and Labor and Sectorial Committees in the public and private sector, and initiate within the security forces and the Armed Forces the preparation of the constitutional forces for Operation Libertad", he explained.

"Very soon, when we have traveled and organized every corner we will go to Miraflores to claim what is the town," said Guaidó, without setting a date.

Military factor

Guaidó insisted that his supporters must be "very organized" to avoid a "confrontation."

"All the options are on the table with responsibility, with force, but it depends on us. Any option must find us mobilized, "reiterated the opposition, who does not rule out asking for a foreign military intervention.

The United States, its most fervent ally, also does not exclude an armed action to get Maduro out, to whom it has proposed to strangle economically with sanctions such as an oil embargo that will take effect on April 28.

This Saturday, a group of protesters gathered in front of the White House to reject any intervention led by Washington; opponents held their own rally near there.

In any case, Guaidó recognizes that before marching to Miraflores he must have the Armed Forces "fully aligned".

This is their biggest challenge, because until now the military leadership remains loyal to Maduro, in whose government, which began in 2013, Venezuela fell into the worst socio-economic crisis in its modern history with hyperinflation and lack of food and medicine.

Guaidó later confirmed on Twitter that he has "contacted" officials "all over the country" to ask them not to repress the opposition protesters and to contain civilian groups armed with pro-government tasks through intelligence tasks.


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