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RE: Nancy Pelosi just said making the middle class "strong" requires government "medical care" and "social security."

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

What's the solution? How do you reign in a private for profit health care system that puts profit above actual health?

For that matter how do you reign in a private for profit petroleum energy industry that literally makes money on "our" energy sources?

How do you reign in a banking system that supports the wealthy and their wars?

Government has been taken over and structured to benefit the haves and the nefarious agendas of the likes of CIA Black ops and an Israeli apartheid state.

When you see posts like this it demonstrates how gullible, reasonably intelligent but obviously misinformed people have become.

Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person but count her among the many who have said things that make sense in order to keep the public duped into believing that she has anything other than her and her ilk's interest at the root of everything she says and does.

Government should protect the people not oppress them.


The Constitution.

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