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RE: Shocking Revelations Coming From China - Entire Ghost Cities Are Crumbling

in #informationwar5 years ago

they never intended for anyone to live there, that's why they are in the middle of nowhere with no infrastructure to support them, it was a ponzi scheme to print up money into existence in the form of debt to enrich the construction companies, banks and government and leave the investors with nothing to show for it. we do the same thing in the U.S., how many times have you watched whole neighborhoods, even whole cities be pumped full of drugs and crime while simultaneously blocking any efforts to combat the crime and allowing the buildings to go vacant and fall into disrepair, only to have a whole bunch of investment money gathered up, the blocks bulldozed and cheap "mixed use" buildings with pretty conceptual drawings, that end up as low income houseing, vacant stores with the occasional liquor store, predatory lending payday loan place or bodega on the ground floor with vacant high dollar condos on the top? it's everywhere.


Sounds like Detroit. Let's hope your right, I suppose it would be best if these cities did rot away and no one has to be in danger there. I'm on the side of thinking the only casualty should be investors' cash in this mess too.

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