A Father's advice on starting a Family ...


Last Year in 2017, 3.8 million babies were born in the United States, which may seem like a lot, but, 2017 marked the lowest number of births in 30 years..

Experts are baffled as to why fertility rates continue plummeting.. LoL

but WE know that the Depopulation Agenda is working !!

Global Population growths continues to stabilize...

Immigration Agenda is (like all ShTstem agendas) multi-faceted, and stacks many functions; all of which do not bode well for us Human Beings..

The influx of immigrants in developed countries World Wide serves to hide the dwindling population.

In countries like the United States which has a fervent History of immigration, it is, for the most part, status quo; but in other countries, like Italy for instance, which is drowning in other cultures, the Italian culture will soon be lost..
Even their language will eventually die off..

How many other cultures will be lost?

The success of the Industrial Revolution (funny name for it, when you really think about it) forced people to start having smaller families.

Before the Industrial Distortion, families were producers they made things, grew things, and refined things, to make them better...

Having lots of children meant a fruitful homestead..

After the Industrial Distortion, families became consumers, they bought things daily, that they otherwise would have produced themselves, or perhaps, bartered with a neighbor down the road..

Time became a commodity, and it was used as a marketing strategy to sell things like frozen dinners, and fancy washing machines..

They sold our predecessors the promise of Scientific Advancement towards the aim of a Global Utopia;

and what We got was the Nuclear Agenda / Age

Things have extrapolated since then, to where today both parents usually have to work, and even with a double income, some families can actually be termed as debt slaves, with a reasonable degree of accuracy..

The corporate food that is produced today is more contaminated than can even be accurately imagined by the average consumer; a far cry from the days when it was produced by families, and neighbors..

The average male Sperm count fell between 50% and 60% between 1973 and 2011..
All things considered,
It's almost as if Humans are directly targeted for sterilization..

The Future of Families looks bleaker than it ought to..

If you are wanting to start a Family, this is my advice to you:

If you are considering starting a family, find a suitable mate who puts Family 1st !!!

Educate yourself on what healthy food is, and look to Natural Medicines when you have an ailment; avoid vaccinations,
flu shots, and pharmaceutical medications; find the cleanest drinking water you can find, and filter it if necessary for
your Family....


Given the current climate men find themselves under, the attack on them for decades in family court the Mgtow movement has flourished. Many men have woken up to the realization that the chances of them being indentured servants after divorce coupled with seeing their children a few days per month and are opting out of that. You can see where that is headed by looking into herbivore man in Japan, they are just a little ahead of the U.S. and Europe, I am guessing because after losing the war those who farm us had freer reign to wreak havoc and experiment on them.

The sperm count going down is partly from the food I believe, and definitely a lot to do with the radiation from our cell phones most men keep several inches from that area.

Family is the Greatest asset that Society has left, i realize it's under attack but without the family unit we will either be extinct, or test tube clones, without morals, and incapable of comprehending the difference between things like, Freedom and slavery, Liberty and servitude, programed thought and critical thinking...

I agree that family can be the greatest asset, which is why they have spent so many decades experimenting with its dissolution with great success. The masters of perception have a keen understanding on setting up situations that will dictate the logical doors one will choose. Having said that, families require the participation of BOTH men and women and if one side decides to continue using the inequitable power bestowed on them as a weapon granted by dissolving the family unit, the other side is smart not to endure the pain and costs associated with it. I am thankful to be the age that I am, as I could not imagine the minefield young men walk through today.

I think it is fair to say that the ultimate costs are born by the children of this evil dynamic to destroy the union of man and woman. Higher rates of poverty, higher incarceration rates, higher levels of poor education. For the boys especially as they find themselves with little in the way of male role models as men have also been chased pretty hard out of education. Most of them will learn to be men from the entertainment industry which is doing much damage in its portrayals of what is normal and empowering.

I hope one day that those responsible for this experiment on our communities can be held accountable, that the majority will decide to take on the responsibility of thinking for themselves, for understanding human dignity not only in themselves but in those they interact with.

Very good advice my friend. Good post!

Thanks SqB ..
I undelegated my SP to get more usability, so i'll be able to comment more freely again soon, and i'll be dropping pennies everywhere.. LoL
Looks like they way hf20 changed upvoting, it is for the better as well..
Carry on the good work. I am stunned to be honest that people can be so blind about vaccines..
There is now tons of information, and if they would just watch Vaxxed TV they could get real stories, from real parents, that should scare the beHeebeeSheezus out you!!

There's a reason Doctor's wear lab coats!

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