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RE: When Whistle-Blowers Become Martyrs: The William Cooper Story

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Your assertions are contradictory. In one breath, you ask how I can read this nonsense

and not think the whole thing is made up?

then go on to say

The problem is some of the book is valid

As I stated in my article, I have barely begun it. The part I have read has credibility in my mind. Enough that it sparked this writing. The fact is, there is a lot of evil shit going on by those in power. And it isn't a partisan thing, they are ALL in on it.

Sadly, due to the lies handed to me through school, media and government I remain ignorant of a lot of what is true. Which makes placing truths a bit of a conundrum. Understanding my ignorance and the vast amount of lies leaves me in the unenviable position of having to force myself to have an open mind, even in areas my mind would insist, based on reference points handed to it from questionable sources, couldn't be true.

One such area involves the idea we are not so different than cattle, who are unaware they are being farmed by something higher on the food chain. Because sure as hell a lot of actions being forced upon the peoples of the world just don't make a lot of sense.

As for the FTG allegation you made (looking through your history here it seems you are quick to throw out shock statements of negative intent) you display your ignorance further. For whatever reason, he has been interested in my writing for some time. This, despite my initial rejection of Donald Marshall when he was running his writing contest on.

It was that contest that made me open my mind up. There were several writers (I couldn't in good conscious write about it at that time as my mind was closed to the idea) who like myself, were skeptical. Their presentation of artifacts and belief systems from antiquity was of such a nature (presented factually without opinion) that I realized I was approaching this idea with a closed mind, and perhaps it might make some of the things I see around me make sense.

I am still not in a position to say it is all true and go warning my neighbors, yet I can't deny that the more I look into things the more I see possible connections that would lend itself as circumstantial evidence.

It's a reflection on you that you call him mentally ill. I (and many others here who have seen his heart) view him as a kind man who without using force wishes so much good for others he is willing to endure persecution to share it. A man who uses much of his stake for the betterment of his brothers and sisters. Given an opportunity to be by his side or the side of one who is quick to rage and call names as though they were an expert on everything, I will always choose to stand by the one of good heart.

I am sorry so many ideas cause you to be troubled to the point you feel the need to lash out.


well said sir
to me he knew exactly what was going on
you can form your own opinion as im sure you will

Thank you.

I agree, and sometimes will ignore. However other times I use the opportunity to further the message I was sharing for others who are reading. Often times belligerence to ones message is a perfect gift allowing one to expand on the points being made, adding to the credibility of the message as well as an opportunity to mention things maybe forgotten or left out of the original post.

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