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RE: It is happening now Trump is going after the criminals with Military Tribunals.

I will reserve judgement on this, although surprisingly my initial reaction is not good. I am assuming that whomever will be the authority behind these tribunals will be officers, who unlike enlisted men are more like at will employees. At will employees whom have probably been incorporated into the group being termed the deep state.

There was a reason Congress feared the military being able to act on their own citizens, and through the various anti-terror bills being pushed since the Clinton regime through the Bush regime, they have made it legal. Now that the public is in uproar over this "deep state" and demand solutions, they will now make using the military against the citizens common and acceptable.


The links wind up being an extraordinary depository of information that can be checked and gone over with a magnifying glass. This is why I am encouraging people to do their due diligence. So while your are reserving judgement, which is wise, if that is all you do such is not so wise.

"There was a reason Congress feared the military being able to act on their own citizens, and through the various anti-terror bills being pushed since the Clinton regime through the Bush regime, they have made it legal."

So if it is legal what is the difference. What if it is not legal? Such actually is not legal and those acts where and are null and void according to the constitution. If it where legal or right to suddenly with the stroke of a pen change right from wrong and wrong to right than even discussing such is a waist of time. At some point one must decide what is right and what is wrong. The nature of the too position creates the hope and faith that people will choose right!

As I commented on the other thread, what is the reasoning that the DOJ is not making arrests and handling this under normal courts where the accused would have their full constitutional rights? Lincoln went this route and honestly not a big fan.

Evidently the DOJ is so to speak surrounded by the treason conspiracy. Of course when you say the word conspiracy peoples minds in general turn off.

The Courts are also part of the conspiracy, which I have physically gone to courts and seen for my self. Most cases are being processed as star courts. Meaning only the victim (accused) is allowed into the court. If you don't know this, you too can verify and confirm by simply going to a court and seeing how many of them you are not allowed to witness.

At some point that kind of research is what a person has to do and media is not doing this or reporting on it. This is why I am continually saying people need to do there own research. I have now had a chance to go over some of the links and find some pretty incredulous stuff being reported.

Sure wish that is what this conversation was about?

For instance the very first link is to a compilation of articles that answers your very question?

American Intelligence Media

Queen Elizabeth II and Privy Council Rig Elections Worldwide

As Americans awake from their 242 year sleep thinking the American Revolution had been won and the United Kingdom was its ally, we find that the Queen has not only been interfering with our elections since at least 2005, she was also the top-dog in orchestrating the overthrow of Trump’s presidency through her Privy Council, Strategic Communications Laboratories, Christoper Steele, and a whole cadre of ‘Sirs’- Richard Dearlove, Geoffrey Pattie, George Mark Malloch-Brown – and, of course, the Queen’s most favored hitman – George Soros.

Who is researching to verify and confirm? So far I have not seen anything from you that is substantive or investigating the truth of the claims. Instead of worrying about the slippery slope, we need to verify and confirm. Than we can tell them to go after people who are abridging the first amendment by censorship of a free press. After all the terms of service in America is the first amendment and apply's on American soil.

Sure wish that is what this conversation was about?

I get that from your response, however I am stuck on the idea of tribunals being turned against citizens when the apparatus is already in place to prosecute. Trump is over the DOJ and Sessions. Is Sessions now one of the deep state? I am not understanding how regardless of the entrenched corruption that charges are not leveled and tried. Trump was free about airing out the criminal actions publicly while he was running such as with Marco Rubio using the republican credit card to pave his driveway. That side of Trump kid of disappeared after he won.

We don't need new laws/courts, there are plenty that could be used if they chose to use them. This is just a slippery slope to get the public behind yet another loss of rights, imo.

This is obviously the case from Sessions actions."is Sessions now one of the deep state?"

People need to stop listening to the words these people say and start looking at what they do. Who job was it to get indictments for not providing documents to the oversight committee of our elected officials. That wouldn't be Sessions would it? Instead he goes on notional news and says where going after weed.


Sorry if I write in a way that seems as if you are at fault. The truth is we are all at fault if anyone is. For it is and always has been We The People's place to protect and defend the constitution and obviously we have not done so entirely.

Sorry if I write in a way that seems as if you are at fault.

Thank you, I appreciate your passion. It rivals mine, just directed differently. Despite this I appreciate your knowledge and insights which is why you are one of the people I follow. I am very choosy on whom I follow. Thank you for all the effort you put in here educating.

At times I get frustrated and less wise in my choice of writing. My emotions get the better of me, but because of people highlighting this trait, I know I will get better at being objective even when it hurts.

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