Sorry, Democrats. Your Little Stunt "Bombed" in More Ways than OnesteemCreated with Sketch.


I was in the process of polishing the concluding paragraph of my next article (a follow-up to my look at China's Fentanyl smuggling operations in the U.S., when I happened to notice that the Democrat Party's latest lame publicity stunt has apparently cused a lot of confusion. So, at the risk of delaying may next article's publication (due to lack of resource credits), I thought I would take a minute to cut through that confusion. This will not be a full article (no bibliography like my usual work) because it is not directly related to the central theme of my blog, but here it is.
So without further ado, here is a "cut the crap" look at these so-called "bomb threats."

Fact 1: it is not possible to mail out packages to areas this far and wide across the US and guarantee they arrive on the same day.

Fact 2: If something goes through the mail, the stamps get a mark over them to show they have been used. Do you see a mark over these stamps?

Now then... by show of hands, who is stupid enough to deny these bombs were in fact planted by the so-called "recipients" themselves?

The media is, of course, trying their best to portray it as "proof of Republican violence," just as they tried to say Antifa's attacks on Trump rallies proved how violent Republicans are, but at some point a dose of reality is needed.
It is not possible for these to have been sent by mail!
The simultaneous arrival is suspicious enough, but the non-cancelled stamps are a dead give-away. These could only have been planted by hand, in places covered by security cameras (which nobody is looking at footage from: how odd...), on the same day.
If the facts weren't already damning enough let's add the suspicious circumstances to it.
Has anyone noticed this happened EXACTLY as the Democrats needed something to take attention away from their assassination attempt on President Trump and Secretary Mattis by means of Recin, Elizabeth Warren's "native heritage" being revealed as 1/1024th of her DNA at most, and the revelation that Diane Feinstein employed a Chinese spy as her driver for 20 years, paying him as an "office director (a salary far above his actual duties, which is highly suspicious)," while her boss, Hillary Clinton, was hiding the now-missing emails on a server accessible by the Chinese?
And who sends bombs to their opposition when that opposition is losing?
Wake up, folks.

Of course, like most of the shenanigans of the Democrat Party (the more common name for the North American division of the PLA's United Front Office), this is playing perfectly into the hands of China's media narrative about "America in chaos" and "America in decline." CGTN is having a field day with it.

I hope the Chinese paid the Democrats better for their services this time than what they pay to the Fifty Cent Party, because the Democrat Party is furthering China's media war far more effectively than any other Chinese division ever has. That, coupled with the fact that the Chinese are counting on the Democrats Party to save them from Trump, leaves me relatively convinced that this little bomb stunt was hatched in Beijing.

The Democrat Party is the most effective force the Chinese Government has ever employed in their quest to cripple America, and this bomb stunt is a desperate attempt to put that force back into power.


CCP, unlike the Western "democracies," do not require complex political rituals to conduct major external, or internal, operations and is not subject to the bi-annual (US) and quint-annual (UK) political horizon of Western anglophone election cycle. The CCP, or rather the undeclared emperor, have the luxury of time that the West lack, due to democracy's inherent instability in its the sociopolitical matrix.

"Democracies" require vast amounts of money in the conduct of their annual political circus, in which the same ruling elite compete for offices using money siphoned from gullible fools, opportunistic corporate entities, and foreign state actors. Though Fienstein is now a known CCP spy, if the investigators delved deeper, much of the US elected officers would be as guilty as Fienstein. The reason for the diminution of Fienstein's treachery in the propaganda channels likely is due not to liberal bias but due ro the self-preservation of the Senatorial class in the US from being exposed as being compromised by foreign states.

Though the Left in the West has been thoroughly infiltrated by the Marxist internationalists, the intentions of Left leaning politician are the same as those on the Right, self-interest and self-preservation. While the West sways aimlessly without principles, values, tradition, and even identity, is it any surprise that its political whores would sell themselves, and their state, to the highest bidders?

US President Trump can win the trade war agaist the CCP and deliver a crushing blow that could reorganize the power dynamics in CCP. Chairman Xi, by declaring himself emperor, is now subject to the limitations of a 5-year political horizon, during which time he needs to consolidate his position. Economic depression in China will result in the end of his brief reign as the second Mao. The CCP has likely been using vast sums to assist certain political faction in the US to undermine the current US foreign policy trajectory. The current US election cycle will have far-reaching consequences.

As before, I have many comments to make, agreeing with some of your points and disputing others, but unfortunately I lack the RC's for a full response if I intend to publish an article within 48 hours.
What I will say is I doubt the 5 year limitation will hold him in. In terms of geopolitics, China is weak, but in terms of internal Chinese politics, Xi is not. The CPC is afraid of an uprising, but the people lack the stomach for one.

This is the most sloppy and rushed inside job I've seen in a while. While dumbing down the general population, did they accidentally target themselves as well. I mean..come on!!

Also, I like your blog and am now following you! Nice to meet ya!

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gotta love Twitter trending "MAGAbomber" immediately after this news broke, even with no evidence that it was a Trump supporter (and evidence points to this being political theater, benefiting ONE group much more than a different group.

Sick events... sick people who are behind this.

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