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RE: Senator Sanders proclaims his inability to fairly Judge Articles of Impeachment!

in #informationwar5 years ago

I supported Sanders wholeheartedly in 2016, tramped up and down hills for him which I had never done before. He has an earnestness that is very unusual in a politician and a long standing persistence that I admire. Poor Bernie has been had like many of the other Democrats, the brainwashing has been stupendously effective. And he is running for president. If he were to NOT support impeachment it would be a slam dunk loss for him given the anti-Trump fervor among Democrats. Notice he says "what he has seen" which as far as I know is only a report that was prepared by the Democrats on the committee - there is much more coming for him to see. I am disappointed in him this time around. His stances on healthcare particularly vaccines is very troubling. I can not support Medicare for all given the fast encroaching if not fully here security state. I keep hoping one day Bernie will see that. Until that end, this liberal would vote for Tulsi Gabbard, and not a single other of those sniveling pandering cowards. The gratuitous Trump hate (and I voted for Her) turns my stomach. It's all good. I can tell you there are a great many more of me. Let's take the world back.


The bottom line is always the bottom line, and the government moves into healthcare have been an unmitigated disaster.

I worked in medical R&D for 30 years and have dozens of patents; but the ACA Destroyed Medical Technology and R&D in the USA.

With the budget deficit they are running right now; they will inevitably destroy the dollar...and us.

Vaccines are totally out of control, and are Causing health problems now.

We need to keep businesses running to have any chance at all; and we must spend less than we take in, or we will be finished as a Republic.

Hate IS a poor substitute for a political platform.


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