The Draconian Canadian Laws Governing Speech

The Chilling Effect of Bill C-16

Ever since the whole controversy surrounding Jordan Peterson and Bill C-16 how I speak at work has been something I've had to think about.
With how I refer to people(the pronouns I use for them) subject to legislation.
Not only will I be subject to legal sanction but my place of employment would also face legal consequences.
I live in a city with people of many different social persuasions and I have socialized and worked at events catering to gay, lesbian and transexual people. I never even had to think twice about what words I used but now things have changed.
The other night while working a group of obvious lesbians was at my bar drinking and having a good time.
One of the ladies waved me over and asked where the bathroom was.
Back in day she would have been described as a Butch Dyke so I pointed to the women's .
Then she asked me "is that the women's or men's room?"

I paused and thought "Uh-Oh, have I just stepped in the proverbial Do-Do!"
Then I said "the women's..."
She jumped up on me and hugged me happy that I guessed her gender right.
I let out a big sigh of relief.
Apparently she was being mistaken quite often for a man and it was getting her down.
When she asked the question I was worried that she identified as a man and was going to become angry at me for "misgendering" her and possibly bringing me before the Human Rights Tribunal.
In Canada you can be brought before the Human Rights Tribunal for publishing a cartoon like Ezra Levant did or for such things as Islamophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia (mis-gendering) and of course hate speech.
The Human Rights Tribunal is a kangaroo court without the usual rights you would have in a normal courtroom.
That's right the Human Rights Tribunal takes away your right of having a lawyer represent you!
Just making a mistake and saying "Good work girls" to a girl and someone who identified as something else got this teacher suspended from his job.
This happened even though he immediately corrected his mistake and apologized!
This happened in Britain but this is the kind of thing that is the consequence of these draconian new laws.
From now on if somebody introduces themselves and adds what is now popular (on college radio anyways, full of lefty shite but I can still hear new music so I like it) the complete rundown of their identity such as...

Hello I'm @openparadigm and I'm a...

Who identifies as a furry marmoset.

Then I think I will refuse to talk to them, citing the possible legal ramifications that having a conversation with them might entail.
I think this a terrible way to gain acceptance in society, if that's what their looking for and we would all be alot better off if these ridiculous laws and tribunals were thrown in the garbage where they belong!


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Hate Speech

That is what happens when you leave the left to govern. And since the right wing is not made up of crying children who do not work and only picket all day, then the left can govern happily.

In Venezuela you can go 20 years to prison for just mentioning something that the government considers a "hate message".

We are certainly on the slippery slope to socialist suicide.

sux to be a canook.

we make do in our igloo ;]

Isolation helps, as does smugness of the ruling class: they tend to lack the enforcement zeal that their American counterparts have.

Theryn Meyer was also speaking against Bill C-16 and she was saying that it will not help the Transgender community at all. I love her videos and they keeo being demonetized. She's been called "transphobic". She's trans herself, I mean, people are really pushing this too far. I'm scared to talk to people already to begin with, now I'm even more scared to socialise. People will think I'm anti-social, but better that than the alternative. I totally get you. I mean, my mom called me my brother's name all the time, or my sister's. She calls each of us the other's names, it's out of habit and it just comes out. Now people can get mad at their parents for brain lapses and take them to court. Ridiculous stuff.

I saw Theryn Meyer at my local safeway and totally wanted to approach her and tell her about steemit but I lost my nerve.
You should get out and socialize the worst thing that can happen is it will be totally awkward, thats already probably happening if your avoiding socializing therefore nothing to lose.
Just don't give your name if you misgender someone and run the other way.

hehehe Like an "oops" moment, and then I run around the corner, remove my coat, and pretend to be someone else haha Funny.

It's a shame you lost your nerve. It happens.

I suppose you're right. I used not care what people thought of me or what I looked like walking down the street. I should reconnect to that part of me again.

If this bill was about what they "say" it is about, it would be annoying, but this is to destroy the nation. To destroy any community from being able to form. It is to make everyone distrust everyone else.

Govern-cement is evil. And this is the first part of controlling everyone's life. The stress you feel, is just an added bonus to them.

When is Justin Trudeau going to get thrown out of office?

probably never

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