
Maybe they never thought it'll be transmitted outside the targeted areas or why would it target mainly Chinese industrial hub and then a number of top Iranian officials some already died of it.

In terms of China, it is normal to see flu originate there each year. Iran was likely hit additionally hard due to sanctions weakening their health care perhaps?

"... why would it target mainly Chinese industrial hub..."

Because the Wuhan Institute of Virology was smack dab in the middle of that Chinese industrial hub, and Shi Zhengli was adding the exact functions this pathogen features to bat SARS-like viruses there?

This is what Chinese scientists themselves claim, despite the Chinese government doing everything it can to censor these facts, those scientists, and any true information about the start of the pandemic there, as they have since it began.

Just ask Li Wenliang. Oh wait. You can't, because after China arrested him for letting the world know about the outbreak of this pandemic, he then, despite being only 34, a doctor, and in perfect health, died of the disease. At least, that's what the Chinese government claims happened to the whistleblower who broke their censorship of the outbreak.

What are the odds?

All can be true, but with a history of the US, you noted against Iran, that remains the number one, besides, the instant knowledge of the US and the UK about the outbreak before the Chinese state themselves who were trying to figure out what exactly happened, not to mention how the US and the UK were gloating about the deaths there and were mocking both China and Iran for that before Karma started working.

I have no scientific evidence to back my words except the gloating of the US and UK officials, their immediate knowledge, the way they tried to demonize both China and Iran for it, and not ending with how they were taking its threat very light in their own countries as if they knew or thought they knew how to control it...!

It could be by a Chinese lab, but what are the odds that lab or scientist wasn't a US double agent if that's the case?

"...the instant knowledge of the US and the UK about the outbreak before the Chinese state themselves..."

I do not know what you are referring to here.

Gloating is a feature of bullies. I concede Western foreign policy is prosecuted by bullies. Neither do I suspect the West too moral to afflict China and Iran with bioweapons.

I just have been following this matter with care, reading scientific papers, and giving it much thought. Shi Zhengli could be a double agent. How would I know? However, she's still working at WIV AFAIK, so don't think China thinks she is a double agent.

I don't see any purpose in putting forward theories blaming countries for things you have no evidence they did, no matter how terrible those things are, when they have done plenty of things that are terrible that you have proof they did. When folks hear your lack of evidence for that claim, they will rightly suspect your other claims are equally vacuous.

I want the US to stop waging war in Syria, and I need strong evidence that will convince my fellow Americans what the US is doing there is wrong, and that they will be better off if they join me in calling for the US to get the hell out of Syria and stop funding terrorists. Please don't weaken my case by conflating it with accusations you don't have actual evidence for.

It's hard not to do the easy thing, and never harder than when awful tragedies caused by criminal acts committed by bullies harming your people give you just cause to oppose those bullies in every way possible. But making baseless accusations doesn't harm those bullies. It harms your people, because it weakens your claims for which you have proof when people disinclined to believe them out of hand consider giving them a closer look.

Don't help the bullies. Stick to facts you can prove, and make solid statements that are convincing. Making false claims of atrocities is what the US and UK did regarding Douma. I don't think your claims should be no better than those of the White Helmets.

I think when you make a claim you should be able to prove it, because it's true, and everyone that examines it is convinced it's true.

Thank you for being enlightened about the US's evil involvement in my country, but I guess you didn't read the initial post here thoroughly: It's not I who put the accusation, it was both the Chinese top officials and the Iranian top officials as well. I just conveyed the message and added that I'd take anybody else's statement over that of the US officials, being the proven liars they are.

As for evidence of the US evil involvement in Syria, if after 9 years there are still people not convinced, they'll never be, the best they'll reach to is 'but Assad is no angel' and they'll carry on, as if Trump or Obama or George W or any of them was.

Check, it's my site since 2011 spreading info, we changed many hearts but the dumb ones until now are lost cases.

I am aware of your dedication to factual information, and aware that government officials are making statements, but am simply pointing out that just agreeing with those statements absent evidence backing them isn't consistent with your historical fact-based practices.

It's unreasonable to expect folks to all be equally informed, and 9 years ago some folks in the US were 9 years old but can vote this year. People change their minds every day, and this is why we keep publishing information that enables people to make reasonable decisions. It's definitely true that many people just make a choice put before them by overlords without understanding that neither of the options they are given are to counter the power of overlords. It's human nature to desire to be part of their society, and so folks are driven to conform to what they see as formative to that society.

From time to time people have epiphanies that enable them to understand they are being misled, no matter how long they have been misled, and it is for those moments, for those people, we post factual information that they can then base decisions on when they realize they need to act differently than they have been in order to oppose overlords.

No honest person can be a lost cause, because they can realize they are being misled at any time. It's hard not to give up on them if they have been misled for a long time, but realizing we ourselves have been misled and failed many opportunities to understand actual facts before we finally did can give us patience.

I hope to encourage you to be steadfast in your commitment to support of positions based on evidence, as I have seen your consistent dedication to that policy, and to continue patiently to await the dawning of realization on folks when they become receptive to it, whatever that trigger may be for them. The truth will always be true, but not all lies deceive forever.

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