Rhode Island Police and Military Door to Door Manhunts for New Yorker's -Pandemic Strangeness and Questions Without Answers

in #informationwar4 years ago


The Corona Virus Pandemic is the 3rd time this century I have seen the U.S. Government blatantly break the constitution by doing search and seizures without warrants.


The first time in memory was in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina where the most extreme example of the U.S. Constitution getting trampled took place. The police and military where going door to door confiscating firearms! Literally leaving people defenseless during a time of literal raping and pillaging and utter lawlessness.

During the Boston Bombing manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the police state did the unthinkable and conducted unwarrantless searches. Just a heavily outfitted swat team in Boston going door to door keeping America Safe!

Heavily-armed police and FBI teams went house-to-house searching for the remaining Boston bombing suspect

Police Commissioner Urges Residents to Cooperate During Door-to-Door Search for Bombing Suspect

For those who have escaped the reportedly raging Corona Pandemic in New York into the State of Rhode Island you are now a fugitive! A few quotes from Bloomberg:


"On Saturday, the National Guard will help them conduct house-to-house searches to find people who traveled from New York and demand 14 days of self-quarantine."

“While the Governor may have the power to suspend some state laws and regulations to address this medical emergency, she cannot suspend the Constitution,” Rhode Island ACLU executive director Steven Brown said in a statement. “Under the Fourth Amendment, having a New York state license plate simply does not, and cannot, constitute ‘probable cause’ to allow police to stop a car and interrogate the driver, no matter how laudable the goal of the stop may be.”



Never let a crisis go to waste is an understatement. A 2 Trillion dollar relief package may speak to that statement. The pandemic appears to cost more than a war. Remember what the politicians have been up to during this Corona Pandemic crisis and take notes!

Q-Anon, Flynn and 4th Generation Warfare

I have been watching the President's pressers, and reading mainstream news on the Corona Virus, and the news reports are not matching the many testimonies of Alternative Media and citizen journalists. The word on the street is that the hospitals are not very busy and are not overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients. CBS recently was caught using video footage from an ICU in Italy and making it appear as if it's from New York city ICU. I have seen enough evidence to say that the Alternative Media is on to something.


The Virus is real, yet it seems much more is going on. I keep feeling this constant pressure as if a very large event is going on and shit can go sideways in a heart beat! If they never announced this Pandemic would we have just carried on like normal? If we did a play by play on the Influenza Virus every winter would it look like the current Corona Pandemic? This pandemic feels like an element of truth in a giant global LARP. Q- Anon has an explosive theory on this crisis. It's so off the hook I would have to dedicate a whole post on the subject, but I bring it up for those who don't know about the Qanon movement, it's an incredibly entertaining plot at the very least. What's up on the economic side, especially people who may not qualify for unemployment. Today the 31st of March the U.S. Government extended the quarantine for another 30 days! That's an eternity for people out of work. This is Historic, what could be so bad or so tantalizing that Global Corporations around the world are ready to lose billions and most likely trillions to comply? President Trump said today that we saved 2 million lives in the U S. through our state wide quarantines. Lastly who released this Virus? Will we ever know?

The Media Won't Show You This Troubling Video From China

This is a Patriot Uprising Production
By: Nate Powers
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