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RE: Harboring Illegal Aliens is a Felony - Demand the Arrest of Sanctuary City Democrats

Ok, it worked but now I see Discord uses Google for sign-up. Google is connected to The Clowns, so I don´t use anything connected to the clowns for chats like this. So maybe we can find a more secure non Alphabet connected platform to chat....


I don't remember that, but I can see it happening. I know they have banned right aligned Discord server before

We have thought about a different platform for chat, but we put finding one on the backburner.

There was a change in leadership a couple of months ago; I just couldn't maintain the responsibilities, so I tuned it over to @truthforce

Ok, there are some encrypted programs that provide security for chat...some can be cracked but one or two are secure...there are some connected to block chain also...but with the exploit in the Bridge Certificate authority, Hillary and the Clowns have access to pretty much anything that goes via the Internet.... Do you have a standard phone line number that is not connected to the Internet?

Back Door Spy Net of Shadow Government Found! A NATIONAL EMERGENCY!

we have a goal of making it easier on users to join the chat

I dont think about opsec on my part because I have been using my real name for years in connection with my views

there are those of us who DO value their opsec

I look at our Discord as a place where we know we are monitored, but it doesnt' matter because we dont break their rules while we use it.

Oh, ok, thanks for explaining.

eventually, we DO need to a decentralized and anonymous platform

you arent the only one who has declined to participate in the chat for opsec purposes, by any means

I'd like your permission to use this converstaion as the basis for a post affirming the need for a new platform to use, tho...

I just dont think it's a community priority atm ;>

Sure, you are welcome to use it.

another option would be getting a burner phone and building a complete social media profile from there, but you have to be careful of opsec on this, and make sure there's no overlap in your alt and real personalities

I've got a better post on opsec running around, but Im braindead right now ;>

Good idea about the burner phone....but where I live, in the country where I am at, burner phones do not exist. And even if they did, I would need to set-up a new Steemit account most likely.... When you find the better post on opsec, I would like to see it...thanks.

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