
I was unfamiliar with him so googled him and found this.

I agree with many of the quotes attributed to him there. I am dismayed as I watch so many males being neutered for lack of a better term. You see the growing numbers of Mgtow and young men demanding their safe spaces as they were for the most part raised with no strong male role models. So many are deprived of their fathers now thanks to the family courts allowing and pushing for the most ruthless behavior to be exhibited towards men. Men afraid to go into teaching for fear of accusations. Hotels calling police because a father is on holiday with his daughter and they assume the worst. They have succeeded in separating the men from the children.

I could go on, but the point was made. If this does not change and soon, those screaming about patriarchal oppression will find out what that really is as the stronger men not neutered from outside this mind op move in and take over as they roll through the weaklings that the state has been molding.

I highly recommend listening to him narrate his own essay "Violence is Golden" and then "The Way of Men." I agree that men in today's society are being targeted by design for emasculation. All the push for androgyny and transgender-ism is part of the attack on masculinity as well. Everything ties in together with Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, we are being assaulted on so many fronts- 5G, water fluoridation, psychotronic warfare,genetically altered food supply, chemtrails, disinformation and propaganda campaigns, false flags...the list is nearly endless. It's long past time for a Great Awakening

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