Yea...these socialist/antifa/commie professors NEED TO GO....I mean really GO...where it never gets cold.

in #informationwar5 years ago

It is nearly time for vigilantism to take over if the various state legislatures, sheriffs, governors and/or the feds won't do it. Some of these professors are such blatant TRAITORS that they need to be arrested tried, and HUNG IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE UNTIL DEAD.

(Treasonous U.C. Davis professor, Joshua Clover. Image courtesy of

Just consider this example:

Here is an excerpt:

"UC-Davis English Professor Joshua Clover, in tweets on his now private Twitter account, reportedly wrote, “I am thankful that every living cop will one day be dead, some by their own hand, some by others, too many of old age #letsnotmakemore.” A separate tweet from Clover just one month later reportedly read, “I mean, it’s easier to shoot cops when their backs are turned, no?"

During an interview in 2015 interview with, Clover said, “People think that cops need to be reformed. They need to be killed.”

Those comments had gone largely forgotten until the recent fatal shooting of Davis police officer Natalie Corona prompted one UC-Davis student to do a little digging on one particular professor who he had heard had a track record of making anti-law enforcement comments."

While these particular comments are directed at LEOs, there are many college professors just like this one who go a step further, and literally want to "collapse the entire system"...i.e. DESTROY THE NATION.

Why are they allowed to TAKE MY TAX MONEY TO PROMOTE TREASON every day at my expense??

I want answers NOW.

I am sick of treason going unpunished.

(Anti-communist patriot hero, Senator Joe McCarthy.)

We need new Joe-McCarthy-style hearings in Congress, and we need them SOON!!!


You have my vote!

You'll have mine soon too, if you have anything to upvote...


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