U.K. "gay" SJWs admit purposely tainting the blood supply, "because it's the right thing to do."

in #informationwar5 years ago

BE VERY CAUTIOUS if you are in the U.K., or if you get ill while visiting and are told you need a blood transfusion. Gay men are admitting, there, that they intentionally give blood and lie about having had gay sex, because they somehow have convinced themselves that not be allowed to do so is "discriminatory," and that even if they make someone innocent deathly ill, it is their right to give blood "to help people," even though it is against the law.

Check out this link:


Here is a key excerpt from the link above:

"Another homosexual interviewed as part of the investigation, whom reports have dubbed as 'Ryan,' revealed that he’s been illegally donating his blood to blood banks for more than 10 years because it’s “not nice almost to be discriminated against.”

Just like 'David', 'Ryan' has somehow justified his perverse behavior in his own mind by convincing himself that what he’s doing is 'moral' because 'you are helping somebody.'

What these full-fledged narcissists refuse to acknowledge, however, is the fact that the rules exist for a reason: to protect patients. But like most social justice warriors, when 'David' and 'Ryan' don’t get what they demand – even when there’s a very good medical reason behind the restrictions – they proceed to do what they want regardless..."

If it is happening in Britain, you can bet it's happening in the U.S. and Canada too, as our media is even more hesitant to report anything that reflects poorly on these people than are the British media.

STAY CAREFUL AND HEALTHY FOLKS...and avoid modern drug salesmen (aka "doctors") at all costs. They are arm and arm with this type of madness, guaranteed... and it will be too late to wish you were more careful once you get infected from tainted blood transfusion.


(Luke 17:28-29) "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; {29} But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all."

Jesus will return soon.

Not soon enough, in my book!

Amen to that!

There are some seriously sick people in this world.

AND...just 30-40 years ago the DSM used to define homosexuality as just that...

Imagine the outrage if there were some serious research into the medical or mental causes of homosexuality. There is research trying to determine specific DNA genes that cause homosexuality, this would be ok because it would prove the opinion that homosexuals are born that way. To date there is no proof in the way of genes that people are born homosexuals.

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