TSA's new secret "resister's list." Don't worry, it's not an expanded no-fly list...YET.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Pardon me for feeling ZERO remorse for TSA's recent lack of pay--even though I have a family member who was impacted. TSA is THOROUGHLY un-CONSTITUTIONAL, make no mistake about it, and it-- and the official 911 faerie tale that spawned it-- MUST BE ELIMINATED if America is ever to return to being a Free Country with republican rights for all.

The greatest of our rights after the First and the Second Amendments involve things like the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, and the presumption of innocence. TSA's very raisson d'etre VIOLATES THESE RIGHTS on a minute-by-minute basis in an effort to convince the public that we no longer have such rights and should just submit to their every command, or stop flying.

For me...I've just plain stopped flying out of U.S. Airports, except under absolute dire necessity--which hasn't, thankfully, ever arisen so far.

Here is proof that the TSA is compiling secret lists of air travelers that they don't like for questioning their illegitimate and presumed "Authority":


Here is a key excerpt from the link above:

"Naturally, the TSA’s new official definition of “troublemaker” for this list goes far beyond people who slug screeners. Have you ever “loitered” near a checkpoint? Bingo. Any woman who ever pushed a screener’s hands away from squeezing her breasts could also be guilty — even though the TSA never formally promulgated its territorial claim to that part of the female anatomy.

(Image courtesy of federaljack.com.)

Any behavior which is “offensive [to the TSA] and without legal justification” can get a person secretly listed, according to a confidential TSA memo acquired by the New York Times. “Challenges to the safe and effective completion of screening” also can be punished. If you complain that a TSA agent is violating your constitutional rights, you could be tagged as a troublemaker in perpetuity."

The rest of the article definitely deserves your attention as it highlights a bunch of specific cases where people's rights were extraordinarily violated by these people--most of whom couldn't get a job at MacDonald's but are thuggish enough to get big bucks for harassing Americans.

One particular case in a U.S. Court of Appeals right now involves an airline CAPTAIN who is suing for having his genitals karate chopped by a TSA agent who was upset to have his "absolute authority" challenged. This case will have HUGE ramifications for the future. If the pilot wins, TSA will be on notice that there are limits to its tyrannical behaviors. If he loses, I betcha millions of Americans will be joining me in the airlines boycott.

I'm torn on what would be best here.

I want TSA GONE, not just reined in a little bit.


This is why we MUST get a real investigation into 911 and the real perps arrested. Otherwise, the TSA, the NSA, the CIA, the USA "Patriot" Act, the NDAA rights seizures...ALL OF IT...will continue ad infinitum and unabated. 911 is the basis for all of the recent nazification procedures being carried out in the name of "public safety."

I want my exoneration too, as the original 911 truther...


interesting point. you never know what will happen next

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