TOTAL TURMOIL at the SPLC...where's my mini-violin?

in #informationwar6 years ago

The so-called "Southern Poverty Law Center" (SPLC) that, for some unknown reason, LEO agencies all over the country use to determine what groups of people they need to monitor an harass while letting truly violent and leftist groups alone, is in total disarray.

First, their utterly corrupt and personally despicable founder, Morris Dees, resigned a few weeks ago, and now the number two Communist ideologue running the propaganda outlet is out as well.

(The disgraced Morris Dees...courtesy of

Check out this link:

"The president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Richard Cohen, announced his resignation Friday, the latest in a series of high-profile departures at the anti-hate organization that have come amid allegations of misconduct and workplace discrimination.

The departure will mark the end of an era at the Montgomery, Ala., nonprofit, whose staff had recently raised questions about whether the organization’s long-standing mission of justice and anti-discrimination — which had yielded hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from the public — had matched its internal treatment of some black and female employees."


LOL...I told you the organization was totally bogus!... Here's a tad more:

"Cohen’s resignation comes the same day as a resignation by the organization’s legal director, Rhonda Brownstein, who did not give a reason for her departure in a brief email to her colleagues. Brownstein did not respond to requests for comment."

Hmmm...Cohen and Brownstein? Need I say much more...?? (What do you want to bet he was bopping her too...?

Oh...and "internal investigations?"'s a sure recipe for truth and openness, huh?


I think I urinated from laughing when I heard this last night....

LOL....liberal TRANSFERENCE again...ha!

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