This could be Trump's all-time best "Tweet." Take that GREENocrats!

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

This is priceless:


here is the text if you're link shy:

"I think it is very important for the Democrats to press forward with their Green New Deal. It would be great for the so-called “Carbon Footprint” to permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military - even if no other country would do the same. Brilliant!
3:21 PM - 9 Feb 2019 "

(Image courtesy of

I truly do hope Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the freshman WATERMELONS (green on the outside, red on the inside) just elected to Congress are FRONT AND CENTER in the news cycles from now until the 2020 Nothing could be better for the forlorn hopes of restoring the country via voting than these radicals being shown to the American Republic, openly, and in all their ludicrously anti-American radical glory.


the scary thing is i believe they theres enough retards to vote for something like that
when their is more people taking advantage of the system than people working its not going to be good and on top of printing money its going to be a lot worse and people will beg for the govt to do something and it wont matter in the long run if its red or blue, but these OAC warren and the supposed fron runner for the democratic nominee are truly scary individuals
twenty year down the road hillary is going to look tame if one of these maniacs get elected
trumps softcore compared to those psychopaths
dont vote and starve the beast bud ive voted once in my life when i ran for council and i wasnt running to win
if i campaigned i probably would have been elected
thank god i didnt get in there who knows how it would have turned out scary shit
have a great afternoon

We should make it illegal to vote if you are on welfare, or in prison.

if voting mattered it would be illigal lol
voting is a waste of time in my opinion
people who vote have no right to complain the people who didnt have a right to complain cause they didnt ask for this garbage from either party lol
they teach you the exact opposite that if you dont vote you cant complain what a farce
vote for the lesser of two EVILS and people still vote and they are outright telling you that its evil and people cant see in fron tof their noses on this matter sheesh
have a great night man and sorry took a while to get back to you needed a break from the social platform for a half dozen hours lol

Very well said, Nick.

It's truly scary that they don't care if we know they are evil.

nevermind that they still go and vote for them knowing that muslims christians and jew all supporting evil and most of them know it is what i have a problem with while these criminals pit us against each other
are you a voter
to me anyone who votes is harming their fellow man christian muslim or jewish or any other nationality or religion
have a great day and i wont be around today hope you get a replacement for me lmao
will be here till around noon and then im gone cheers

No one can replace you, my friend. You are definitely one of a kind!

im hoping were all one of a kind but the elite want us all the same which is as you know enslaved or dead lol
gonna let some of my credit recharge for today so i will talk to you soon good articles

Thanks, Nick. Be well, my friend, and have a great one.

howdy sir mepatriot! Well they might get tons of coverage since they are so hot right now, that would be a gift!

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