Surprise, surprise...(NOT!!!!)....Surveillance/police-state Don comes out in favor of Red Flag Laws...

in #informationwar5 years ago

Donald Trump is the biggest phony conservative since Ronald Reagan, and has been primed to play the untouchable role of "antithesis" to the Democrats' "thesis."

Nothing shows that more clearly than his reaction to the likely El Paso false flag event where (presto!) the folks who are for protecting national borders are now all being associated with mass murder in the minds of the general (dumbed-down) public. Don't tell me it's a coincidence that this event happened in such close proximity to the FBI's recent rant against "truthers" and "conspiracy theorists"...equating all of us with "domestic terrorism."


The hour is growing very, very late for freedom lovers, conservatives, and anyone who believes the nation-state is preferable to an omnipotent global police state.

It may be time to start thinking seriously about alternatives to the sinking ship of the U.S.S. USA.

P.S. If Trump were really a "conservative" and opposed to the surveillance/police-state, he would have done something about NDAA's 5th-Amendment-wrecking codicils, the ramping up of all the retina-scan/facial-recognition crap by police everywhere, and he would not have restarted the military-gear-to-local-police programs that even Obama ended. Are yous seeing the SET UP now that he is pushing the Red Flag Laws??? If you don't see the fix now, you never will...until it's too late.

WAKEY, WAKEY my always-Trumper friends....

THE REDS ARE ACTUALLY ALL WAVING THEIR FLAG right here on American soil now, people.


who's downvoting this? has steemit really got such retards on it?

anyway ot, trump is the same as every other puppet before him, knew it from his inauguration speech brother.

and guess what? the next president will also be a puppet, probably the last one before total chao and they reveal their world ordo saviour.

Howdy mepatriot! Those Red Flag laws are alarming and Trump has always been liberal and it's showing isn't it?

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