
I have some chores to do today, but find it almost impossible to pull my self away from your posts. Please stop, HA HA! So much underhanded politics going on it is surreal.( Former, Murdered? Justice, Scalia.) Do you really think that this is the way this true patriot met his fate?

Quite course, I have no inside info....

Amen and amen Steve. Couldn't agree with you more.

Thanks, man! Be sure to let me know when your first article is "live."

howdy sir mepatriot! what thousands of arrests are you talking about? And what does John Roberts have that someone can blackmail him about?

The internet is full of rumors about thousands of swamp-dweller arrest warrants that have all been made out, but arrests have not begun, even though they've been filled out for many months.

I don't know, Jon, but that doesn't matter so much as the fact that he was probably blackmailed over something.

oh ok sir mepatriot..well that makes alot of sense that they would be set to move on these warrants and wow would that be something to see. Do you have any idea of who these would be made out for?

Wow I'm sitting here and someone just started shooting a gun and it sounds like it's approximately a half mile away to our NorthEast, not a direction that we normally hear gunfire from but not a big surprise either because it can come from all around us and there is a big commercial gun range just about straight West of us next to Interstate 30 and we can hear those guns firing all day long, that particular gun range is about two miles from where we are.
But we're so used to those going off there that we don't really notice it unless there is full-auto firing going on! haha! That's cool to listen to.

Actually one of our closest neighbors has something, I mean some type of rifle that is full-auto or else someone comes over that has one and sometimes we here them going crazy with that thing, many times at night so I don't know what they're doing over there but it sure would be fun to shoot a machine gun, I've never had the pleasure, have you?

I guess if it's a decent sized caliber then you have to be very careful of it getting away from you because they can flip up real fast if you aren't braced for it. In fact a couple years ago an instructor was showing a little girl how to fire a full-auto pistol and he didn't brace her arm like instructor usually do and she fired, he was standing beside her and the gun got out of her control and flipped up while still firing and shot him in the head killing him.
And he was a very experienced instructor too so he knew better and it cost him his life. And think what that little girl went through and has been going through, I think she was just nine years old at the time.

And yes the blackmailing thing was totally disgusting and outrageous.

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