South African "National Assembly" votes 183 to 77 to become an officially LAWLESS, COMMUNIST, LAND-THIEF REGIME.

in #informationwar6 years ago

This is so despicable, it makes my skin crawl. Can you imagine world outrage and United Nations sanctions (maybe even military invasion) should, say for example, the Israeli Knesset vote to seize ALL Palestinian lands (that they haven't already seized) and voted also, not to pay ANYTHING for the land taken? Or what would the consequences be should the Cherokee Nation vote to seize all their ancient tribal lands, displace the current occupants, and claim the right to do so with no payments to the current victims? OR, what if Russia decided to seize all of Eastern Ukraine (ancient Russian lands, going back centuries,) kicked out all ethnic Ukrainians, and paid them nothing?

I've had people come on my recent threads on this topic and tell me that "The African National Congress" that now dominates the South African "government"--such as it is-- and tell me that they are not Communist, or that being Communist in this case is just fine, or that the lands they are seizing used to belong to (somehow) people who will now be getting those lands.

Let me tell you straight out, land seizures with no payment to those who are losing the land is ILLEGAL THEFT, no matter how many laws are passed to justify it. IT IS COMMUNIST AND EVIL. This new vote WILL lead to civil war, and there is a good chance that it could lead to the global racial wars that the evil mattoids who run the world have always desired.

See this link:

Here is a key excerpt:

"According to local reports, Economic Freedom Fighters MP Hlengiwe Mkhaliphi argued land grabs must go ahead as she declared: 'Your time is up, white people.' This came as the IFP MP Mkhuleko Hlengwa said the plans undermine South Africa’s position as a democratic state. According to the Daily Maverick, he said: 'To achieve real and effective land reform is (possible) under the existing Constitution, not your (ANC) populist agenda. You should be ashamed of yourself'."

(Mkhuleko Hlengwa...a rare voice of reason.)

There is one MP there who gets it. Ms. Mkhuleko Hlengwa is being as prophetic as one could possibly be here. South Africa is about to become a pariah state to ALL GOOD PEOPLE OF ALL RACES EVERYWHERE. If this situation stands, there will be a rush of such incredible redistributive propaganda and action all across the globe, that it will make WW I and WW II look like a Saturday stroll in the park.

There is still a bit of time...until March...for cooler heads to prevail. But, I wouldn't count on it.

Where does this end?? Do the Germanic peoples get to kick the Magyars and Hungarians out of Eastern Europe? Does Australia need to be stripped of all people of British descent? Does it only end when any person of European descent is removed back to some small strip of land somewhere in central Europe?

This is madness.

People alive today SHOULD NEVER have to be made to pay for the sins (real or imagined) of their ancestors.

That is a recipe for continuing global conflict, and it is what the globalists want.




This Friday on The CHAOS show on MSP Waves, two Southafricans with different viewpoints discuss whether or not there is White Genocide in SA.
@BREEZE & @hope777

Cool. How would I be able to listen?

Thank you for covering South-Africa.

My pleasure. Wish I could do sponsor a refugee family, for example...

Doesn't seem the US government cares about whites or Christians seeking LEGITIMATE ASYLUM, only about granting it to unassimilables who are under no real threat in their home nations.

Look into the

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The globalist are doing the same tricks all over the globe in synchronized fashion. Causing chaos and confusion amongst the working class, while THEY are never being held accountable for their crimes

Well said, and, sadly, very true.

now the question:
What can we do about it in a non destructive manner? ...If possible

The so-called "international community" needs to condemn it. Sanctions need to be applied by all nations who know this is wrong. We must make it too expensive for these thieves to act.

looks like the blockchain garbled a few things... my comment got posted in 2 places...

Does the UN say anything about this?
What resources are in the ground?

BTW the Mandela meme seems a bit out of context.
freedom itself should not be conditionally. And THAT was why Mandela rejected right?

The U.N. is silent, because the agenda calls for the silencing (and eventual elimination) of Christians, but especially of White Christians.

Mandela and "Necklace" Winnie (his wife) are /were both murderous, Communist thugs. PERIOD. Mandela was also an extreme racist (though not often mentioned) who is inspiring, to this day, the extreme black supremacism now being practiced by his political descendants.

Politics Religion and Money make a lot of BS
We need to find a way for all people to live on equal terms. No matter what color, religion, political views, or amount of money in the bank.

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