South Africa's COMMUNIST government moving ahead now with their LAND SEIZURES. Who will stand against them??

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I have written in the past about the horrendous atrocities and blatant murders of many white plantation owners, and smaller farm owners, in the African National Congress's (ANC) hell hole still called "South Africa." I have no doubt that it will eventually be renamed something more Communized and fitting, as it is certainly being made over now in the image of the Communist thugs of recent (horrific) memory.

Earlier, it has been reported worldwide, that statements about the planned blatant theft of white farmers' land by members of the South African assembly have not only gone unchallenged by the world community or by anyone with any political power within the country, but they have received the full support and sanction by the government of President Cyril Ramaphosa who has "served" there since 15 February 2018. That was then...during the interim...there has been a welcomed pause, as whites and blacks stood back from the brink.

Now, it finally looks like the Rubicon is about to be crossed:

Check out this important excerpt from the article I just cited above:

"President Cyril Ramaphosa said in July that the ANC had planned to amend the constitution in order to allow this expropriation despite the fact that many are concerned that it could destabilize the country and send the economy into a tailspin. To address this, the ANC has been working to reassure people that what they’re doing is legal and should not be worrisome. Quoted by ABC, Ramaphosa said that everyone should 'relax' about this process and that 'it would end up very well.' As reported previously, this land redistribution is being done to address people awaiting government assistance who are forced to live in 'horrible' conditions. The city expects to be taken to court after it notifies private landowners that it is going to try and seize their land. This is apparently part of the plan, as the city seems to feel as though it could be victorious in court. Ben Cousins, research chair in poverty, land and agrarian studies at the University of Western Cape told ABC News: 'You can't guarantee the outcome. The court may find you do have to pay some level of compensation. It could backfire quite badly.'"

LOL...Just relax while we seize your land and give it to people with NO FARMING EXPERIENCE and no farming equipment in the middle of a massive drought, and see how this betters either you, or them, in their "horrible (current) conditions." This is a bellwather test for the entire world. If the ANC is allowed to do this in South Africa, American whites will be forced to pay massive reparations to blacks inside the USA for the "crimes" of ancestors, many of whom never even saw a black slave.

It will also be ringing the bell (like for Pavlov's dogs) that it is open season for the black radicals inside of South Africa to ramp up their blatant and murderous attacks on whites. Nothing much is being done now by the ANC-controlled "police" to police the current murders. You can bet it will only become worse and worse as land seizures begin to be fully implemented and open civil war breaks out.

This is such a sad situation. It could have been prevented had "political correctness" in the USA and the Western World more generally, not prevented historians and political pundits from doing an honest assessment of Nelson Mandela and Winne "necklace" Mandela. They were ALWAYS RADICAL COMMUNISTS, and now we are inheriting the whirlwind they created in South Africa.

I heard a rumor that Trump (or someone) had done something to allow people here to sponsor people fleeing the impression in South Africa, and I know Trump (from his last political statement on the matter) is generally supportive of helping people to avoid the coming genocide. If you have any details on that, please do share them in the comments below.

We must do something to get these poor farmers out of there before they are destroyed..PHYSICALLY, as well as financially, spiritually, etc.


Land seizures are one thing, state-sanctioned murder another that everyone is certainly against, and Nelson Mandela was for giving land back to specific people who that land has been stolen from under apartheid If somebody stole your land, whether for racist reasons or others, wouldn't you want it to be given back to you?

I reject that idea that the Boers "stole" land from anyone. You are welcome to your opinion, though.

Really? Certainly when they first colonized it, they stole it, no doubt about it

He will stand against them free

At least the blacks can't be racist about it, because of white privilege.


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sir mepatriot! very important information to share, the U.S. or someone needs to step in. I don't want us getting involved everywhere but many times we're the only ones with enough clout to force some changes.

Thanks. We don't need to get "involved" other than letting Americans sponsor immigrant families. But these people are white, and Christian...Not exactly the type TPTB want joining us.

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