Social unexpected benefit...CPS horror stories get shared.

in #informationwar5 years ago

Reddit, Facebook, MySpace, (even Steemit, despite all its issues) etc. are a great place for people to share stuff. Of course, that can be good stuff, disturbing stuff, or even threatening what so-called "child protective" "services" (CPS) is up to.

Last night, I came across this desperate plea for advice and help from a poor family that did NOTHING even remotely close to wrong--as the medical authorities have already admitted--but are still having this out of control, voracious, child-stealing "government agency" sicced on them.

Check it out:

Here is an excerpt from the link above:

"My daughter who is 4 gets yeast infections every so often. I don't know why, she just has, and we always use the cream and it goes away after a day or so. She had one this past week but it wasn't responding to the regular cream so we took her into her pediatrician who looked and saw bruising and suspected sexual abuse. We were distraught. We took her to the city hospital who, after several doctors took a look, felt confident in dispelling the sexual abuse suspicions. They said it is something called lichen sclerosis."

The daughter has some unexplained scratches (probably from normal play) on her face as well, and CPS is now convinced they need to inspect their home.

I'd, personally, be getting video cameras set up, and have a lawyer ready to meet them at the door. Check the comments. The family is being advised to let them in. I'm not so sure I'd do that, but this could become a very interesting story.

Thanks goodness for Reddit. CPS thrives on having their dirty deeds hidden from view. In my opinion, every parent threatened by CPS should post to social media EARLY AND OFTEN. This way, CPS may be more hesitant to act their normal (corrupt and tyrannical) ways, and if they are aware that the hot glare of the light of publicity is on them in every case, they may become a more manageable nuisance, rather than a major destructive force.


It is not just the CPS workers. Add to them the police, the doctors and the judges, who are all taking a cut.

I cannot believe nobody has made a WH petition, asking that the govt reduce the allowance to CPS per child of over $8,000 pm, to maybe $1,000

Think, if you can grab 100 kids this years, it means you get $800,000 pm ($9.6million p.a.) Actual expenses? Less than 10% of that?

I agree. CPS must be dis-incentivized for seizures, and instead should be rewarded for successful short-term interventions that return children to families (or that result in no child seizures in the first place.)

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