Ruth Bader-Commiesburg doubts continue to grow...Ding! Dong! The witch (may be) dead.

in #informationwar6 years ago

I've written about this some before, and admittedly, there is, so far, just lots of smoke, but no true confirmation of a fire... yet.

Here is some more grist for the mill, though:

Example from link:

"Her own family stayed silent on and since her birthday.
No birthday celebration pictures, which if she were alive, could be her last one and they chose not to celebrate it?
Thread: AS EXPECTED, Today is Ruth Bader Ginsburg's birthday, and no new photos, or videos have been posted. Not even from her own family."

(Image courtesy of

Keep an eye on this situation, folks. THE SWAMP definitely doesn't want the next person (a true conservative female) on Trump's list (with a conservative Catholic, pro-life world view) replacing this socialist, radical-feminist witch.


Apparently Ginsberg has become Schrodinger's Justice, and we can only know if she's alive or dead when she rules. I look forward to holographic presentations of our leaders that will provide each of us confirmations of our expectations individually. MIT has recently published results of an experiment that shows that separate realities exist for entangled particles, and extrapolating from this we can then allow each individual moron to live in their own reality in which our undead overlords perfectly represent us against our conception of the dangerous and harm filled world which the enemedia has convinced us is the objective reality.

Who needs doublethink when the universe is doublereal?


If she isn't already dead the only way she is staying alive is by medical machines. Either way she is never coming back. Like you said the crazy leftist don't want another conservative so they will do anything they can to hold on to that seat. How long can this horse and pony show go on?

Not sure. But it will be interesting to watch and see. They obviously are going to drag it out until they elect the next Democratic POTUS.

Do you really think they can drag it out that long? I mean its already a bit weird that she has been MIA for so long, how long will people buy the bullshit excuses? I know I would love some real answers along with proof of life.

People, in general, still WANT TO BELIEVE all the B.S.

The alternative forces them to take action, and they are--above all else-- incredibly LAZY.

Cant find much information about this outside of commentary.

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