Remember when Elon Musk called the guy who rescued the Thai soccer team in the cave a "pedo?" Ummm....

in #informationwar6 years ago

First, sadly, he might have been one of the few in the club of billionaire pedos himself who would know, right? Secondly, just because Elon's stupid submairine idea was a non-starter from the beginning does NOT give him the right to make such "slanderous" statements. Third, if it is TRUE, it is not slander (ahem...) Fourth, now we have THIS:

Here is an excerpt from the article above:

"To calm nerves, the parents were told the boys were being taught how to dive and the media reported that each of them would be tethered to an air hose and then swim out with one rescue diver in front and another behind. This was untrue....the vital question was what cocktail of drugs to use to keep the boys unconscious but safe for the three hours it would take to get each of them to the surface.

This kind of rescue had never been attempted before, so there was no rule book to follow. He decided on a combination of three drugs. First, he would give them a tablet of the anti-anxiety drug Xanax to take the edge off their fear. Then he would inject ketamine into a leg muscle — five milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight — to put them to sleep."

AND...that's what was done to each of the boys.

I am not saying anything nefarious occurred but when you hear that the parents were intentionally lied to about what happened, and you have this WEIRD comment by Musk in your head, and you KNOW the tre depths of depravity of which our global elites are capable...

Here is an article about what Musk said, in case you missed it earlier:

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Twitter this morning accused British diver Vern Unsworth of being a pedophile, after Unsworth criticized Musk’s proposal to use a small submarine to rescue a trapped soccer team in Thailand....Musk, responding to further criticism from professor and New York Times columnist Zeynep Tufekci, wrote this morning that he 'Never saw this British expat guy who lives in Thailand (sus) at any point when we were in the caves.' By “sus,” Musk may have meant 'suspect,' implying that a British person living in Thailand is in itself dubious....Musk went on to dispute Unsworth’s claim that the submarine concept was unworkable, saying that 'we will make [a video] of the mini-sub/pod going all the way to Cave 5 no problemo. Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.'"

Tell me that's not some creepy stuff!


....implying that a British person living in Thailand is in itself dubious.

That sounds very suspect, if you ask

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