Please tell me, President Trump, and REPUBLICANS...How is it again, that Planned Parenthood still hasn't been defunded??

in #informationwar6 years ago

I, as a real conservative, pro-life Republican will never forget or forgive the fact that this out-of-control MURDER FACTORY continued to thrive and KILL thousands under your watch. There is literally ZERO excuse for Planned Parenthood not to have been de-funded in the last session of Congress when "Republicans" (yea...I know...mostly RINOs, in reality) controlled both houses of Congress and the PRESIDENCY.

NO EXCUSES...and we WILL remember!!

(Image courtesy of

Check out what the ACLJ is reporting this morning:

"Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report just came out, and it’s shocking. Here are some fast facts:

332,757 abortions performed – up 11,000 from last year and the most abortions since 2012.
$563.8 million received in taxpayer dollars – up $20 million from last year.
$244.8 million in profits – up nearly 150% since last year.
2,831 adoption referrals – down 27% since last year.
Cancer screenings, preventative care, and contraception services are all down."

(Jay Sekulow of The American Center for Law & Justice. Image courtesy of

(Source: private email to my inbox.)

Go ahead, my dear "Republican" "representatives...." just TRY to explain this.

I'm all ears.


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