OK...now this is BIZARRE. Sun came up at 148 degrees Wednesday...134 this morning.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I know some of you might think I've lost it, but we've had so few visible sunrises lately here (mostly stormy and heavy overcast here in recent weeks) that both my wife and I have been paying a bit more attention to them this week (the two times we've been able to see them) and SOMETHING VERY WEIRD is happening.

I am not an astronomer, but I do have a telescope that I can use (occasionally) and I have been very interested in astronomy since I was a kid. I watch the skies quite a bit as a normal course, just to keep an eye on contrails, to look for meteorites, etc. Now, full disclosure: I have also been paying quite a bit of attention to the "Planet X/Nibiru" stuff this year, because it seems to be growing in intensity (and often in stupidity) on the net, and because the Bible does tell us repeatedly that there will be signs in the skies as the end time approaches.

Here are just a few examples:

Luke 21:11:
"and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven."

Jeremiah 10:2:
"Thus says the LORD, 'Do not learn the way of the nations, And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens Although the nations are terrified by them';"

Revelation 12:1 :
"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;"

Revelation 12:3 :
"Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems."

Joel 2:30:
"I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke."

Matthew 24:30:
"And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory."

Revelation 15:1 :
"Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels who had seven plagues, which are the last, because in them the wrath of God is finished."

We are also told many times in Scripture to be watchful, and specifically to look for the signs of his imminent return. Here are just a quick couple examples of that:

1 Corinthians 16:13:
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

Matthew 24:42:
Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.

Now, on Wednesday morning, we both watched and remarked that the Sun was coming up very far south... My wife grabbed her phone with a geopositioning-type app on it, pointed at the Sun's location just as it was rising, and it said it was coming up at 148 degrees. That's SOUTH of due Southeast. (East is 90, and South is 180.) We talked about it a bit, but (like dummies) did not photograph it. Now, I know the sun rises more southerly as we approach the winter solstice, but....wait....

Now, as the Sun came up this morning we both noticed it was coming up far more easterly (normally). We measured a bit after sunrise because we weren't really awake yet, or thinking of it at the time it came up, or paying as close of attention to it as we should have, and with it already up as high as you can see it in the photo below it was at 140 degrees. Now, it was a lot further east at the actual rising (than in the photo) before I thought about grabbing that app again, or the camera. I am going to guesstimate it came up at around 132-136 degrees.

Here is the photo I took this morning with the Sun already up and at 140 degrees:

weird sun 001.JPG

The Southeast corner of the field is at the MIDDLE of this photo, where the trees drop down and make a lower endpoint to the field of view than elsewhere. On Wednesday, the Sun came up just to the RIGHT of that corner.

The Earth must be wobbling. I know it normally wobbles a little, but this is a far greater wobble than I have ever noticed before. Sure, the wife's app could be off, BUT IT IS THE RELATIVE CHANGE FROM WEDNESDAY TO THIS MORNING that matters, not whether or not the actual readings are highly accurate.

I don't know if it's Planet X or something else causing this but, SOMETHING WEIRD is happening.

Any comments or thoughts appreciated. I will try to document this more in the coming days-- whenever we can see the rising Sun-- to see if it returns to rise in the SSE from SE again.


Very peculiar at best. Are you surmising that the end is near.

Possibly. Keeping an eye on stuff. Mandatory vaccinations would be another check mark, for sure. The emerging world government is definitely going to want us all MARKED and willing to obey their every command...or be labeled "terrorists." (That's why people will have to be desperate and hungry first...so that they need the PTB to survive. The unprepped will be like sheep to the slaughter, first, then they will look for the rest of us...)

The stock markets are showing signs of a major implosion in the offing too, so....

Very interesting stuff for sure.. With all of the info I have been learning lately I wonder how many lies we are told as children about this world in order to keep us all conformed. I have been working on relearning everything in life, but its hard to change perspectives once you are an adult and have built your entire existence upon these lies :/
Knowledge is Power

Very well said, my friend.

"Flat Earth" is false though. That much I'm pretty sure about--unless everyone who has ever been to Antartica is lying, and those who claim they are circumnavigating it are also lying... AND, if everyone in every major scientific organizations and government involved with Antarctica since the '58 treaty is lying...

That would be even bigger than keeping the truth about 911 secret among so many conspirators, which we DO KNOW happened.

I agree the flat earth idea sounds a bit ridiculous to me, however I have heard things like the earth being hollow and that one seems to be more plausible. I really don't know what the "truth" is anymore and thats a hard pill to swallow..

But yes, 911 definitely happened and it was definitely an inside job by one or more of the 3 letter agencies! Thats the sad truth.

The hollow Earth theory sounds AS bizarre to me as flat earth, but we are definitely in a time when "knowledge will increase." The question is whether or not wisdom will come with it.

Right there with ya on 911, man.

...just for a change, I can offer nothing . lol
I'm john snow when it comes to this stuff...' I know nothing'....

I think you are onto another sign of Nibiru. Paster Paul Begley on YouTube talks about Nibiru a lot.

Posted using Partiko Android

Could pollution levels alter the observed angle?

No. We're in North Amity, Maine. If you Google it, you'll see there is no pollution possible.

I haven't looked into the nibiru/planet x stuff in several years now. It was rather taxing mentally and spiritually, so I decided to stop (I'm really glad I did). I used to watch and take pictures of the sun/moon almost every day looking for "shifts" in the rise/set angles, but it was always exactly as it should be. Anyways, supposedly if/when something does come near, we will experience these. TBH, I worry little about it now since the earth has gone through these shifts or "times of change" before, (or so I've read) and we're all here now, still discussing it! :) Another way to record the sun's position would be to make a sun dial on the ground or simply something that you can take pictures of it's shadow everyday, preferably at the same time and with the camera facing the same direction.
Take care and let us know if you see/document anymore anomalies.

Will do. I would not have posted this (as I have also been mostly skeptical of the "Planet X" community) if I was not absolutely certain of what I witnessed, though.

The sun's rising position should NEVER go back Eastward until Spring, but it did.

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Good observation. The Earth HAS been "more wobbly". I'm not sure how long this increase has been going on but NASA recognizes it and pilots have noticed problems with the magnetic poles moving around. Birds get confused and so on. The cause? It is possible it is we are being acted upon by an outside force and we are not being told. It is also possible it is an internal issue with the core. Volcano activity has increased across the globe as well as earthquake activity. The plant is under stress. It makes sense we are feeling a "pull". Yes.... the bible told us and ancient civilizations told us. We know we are in the end times from current events around the world and the "hardening of hearts" talked about in the bible as well as mass deception. So many many signs of the times. I do expect changes in our sky as well. Yeah, please keep us informed.

Will do. Thanks for the always concise and valuable commentary!

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