NOTICE: A big part of the anti-children, anti-traditional-family agendas is PREVENTING PERVs from being healed.

in #informationwar5 years ago

Twenty years ago there would have been riots in the streets had large portions of America begun ruling that perverts could not receive therapy designed to deliver them from their perversion. Many states and counties are passing laws preventing ADULTs from seeking the help THEY CHOOSE, if that help involves Christian advice.

It's one thing for the gay lobby to fight against so-called "conversion therapy," but for people to also now support keeping PEDOPHILES from things that might save children...???

Check out this excerpt:

"Rutherford Institute attorneys allege that VCBR violated First Amendment and federal and state statutes protecting the religious exercise of institutionalized persons when facility administrators restricted Protestant residents’ ability to celebrate communion and hold a weekly Protestant Bible study while at the same time accommodating the religious beliefs of Catholic and Muslim inmates to participate in their respective religious services....

The Virginia Center for Behavioral and Rehabilitation (VCBR), located in Burkeville, Va., is designated by the Commonwealth of Virginia to house and treat persons who are civilly committed as sex offenders and who have been determined to pose a risk to the community. VCBR residents, after having served time for criminal offenses, are institutionalized indefinitely for treatment aimed at reducing their risk to society and allowing their return to the community....

(Pedos are now demanding to be part of LBGT political efforts. Image courtesy of

However, while facility administrators have made accommodations for the religious beliefs of Muslim and Catholic inmates, they have refused to accommodate the particular religious needs of Protestant inmates, especially as it relates to religious studies and communion. For example, VCBR requires that all group religious activities be led by a volunteer or spiritual leader approved by the facility. Nonetheless, Muslim residents are allowed to conduct weekly religious services without an outside volunteer in attendance, allegedly because of the difficulties in obtaining a volunteer. No similar allowance was granted to Protestant Christian residents: after the previous Bible studies volunteer ceased coming to the facility, VCBR cancelled the weekly Bible study rather than allow them to be held without a volunteer."

America is beyond dead and soulless now. How long before the just recompense for our support for perversion comes upon us? If Protestant services are being restricted, can Catholic services be far behind? The government is NEVER supposed to choose between religions, and/or "prefer" one over another, and yet everywhere we turn, they seem to prefer Islam which restricts the rights of children and women far, far beyond anything the most rigid Amish community could image, and that (reportedly) turns a blind eye to pedophilia.

Just another subtle proof that pedophiles now run our nations...


So sad, isn't it?

Howdy mepatriot, this is disturbing news indeed! This sucks. And you wouldn't expect this in a state like Virginia so it might be going on other places most likely.

It most definitely is going on SIMULTANEOUSLY in many states. These people are well organized, well-financed, and supported by the current Prince of this World.

Yes, gotta be. Just flat out open discrimination against Believers.

Don't sleep on the billionaire pedo club (mostly Satanic Jews) that is behind most of it, either, my friend.

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