Idiot "SCIENCE" is going to get us all Killed. THE BRAZILIAN MOSQUITO LESSON.

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

I am so sick and tired of the smugness and hubris of what passes for modern "science." The gene-splicing geniuses that now seem to control all the "science" below them have apparently decided that they are the salvation of mankind, that they know better than the TRUE CREATOR, and that THEY are the new "creators" with the power to save.

Check out this scary (and now typical) article that shows you what I mean:

(Image courtesy of

Here is a brief excerpt:

"GMO “science” just created a super mutant mosquito population that could kill millions of people across Brazil and South America. To summarize the findings of the study, this mad science GMO experiment managed to create a super mutant population of mosquitoes that now carry genes that are potentially tied to enhanced insecticide resistance, making them harder to kill than ever before.

As Bill Hathaway writes on Yale News: …[T]he Yale study showed not only that offspring from the transgenic mosquitoes had reproduced but the population of mosquitoes in Jacobina is now a mix of their original types plus those from Cuba and Mexico, likely leading to a more robust population…

The experiment utterly failed to achieve its promised outcome of wiping out mosquitoes, too. “…[F]emales had begun to avoid mating with modified males, fueling a rebound in population,” writes Hathaway on Yale News. In reality, this mad science GMO experiment has resulted in stronger, more adaptive mosquitoes that will likely kill even more humans in South America."


We have one already.


Not hubris - they WANT the millions to die. This was a very cheap way for them to achieve their target.

I'm quite sure you are correct, as usual, my friend.

This sounds like a perfectly executed plan by the Globalists.

Yea...typical of their high self-worth, but also VERY LOW reality.

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