I was going to do this yesterday, on CONSTITUTION DAY...but we were down...

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Happy Constitution Day, a day late, to all my fellow Constitutionalists, patriots, and true conservatives. I've often said that we need, DESPERATELY, to have legitimate and true civics returned to the high school curriculum of every school in the nation. We also need to have Constitutional tests for anyone seeking to enter the country, and successively harder and harder Constitutional tests for anyone who wants to become a citizen, then law enforcement officer, and finally federal bureaucrat or politician. Minimum Constitutional tests should also be put in place for EVERY U.S. CITIZEN registering to vote.

THOSE STEPS ALONE would reverse a lot of the problems we have in this nation, especially surrounding illegal immigration, and the COMMUNIST infiltration of our children's and grandchildren's minds by COMMUNIST academics and teachers (many of whom, sadly and almost forgivably, do not even know they routinely espouse Communism.) We need to fight off the New World Order/globalist philosophies of the liberal loons, and the best way to do so is with the powerful disinfectant of the U.S. Constitution.

There is an excellent self-test you can take about the Constitution found here:


See how you do, and grade yourself. I won't tell you how I did, because I am a lifelong Constitutional activist and I taught the Constitution at the high school level for several years, so I am hardly representative of the general level of Constitutional knowledge in the country. I would hazard to guess that less than 5% of the population could score better than what used to be "passing" in my high school days..i.e. 70%...

We need to get back to the Constitution, and we need to FORCE OUR PAID SERVANTS IN GOVERNMENT to respect it and to get back to it, posthaste. The Constitution was the original grand compromise, and it gave us the strongest and best nation on the planet for over two hundred years. It is under attack by globalists of every stripe who truly do hate individual freedoms and the very concept of sovereign nations.

FIGHT BACK! Expose the usurpers. Hold them accountable!

(Author, lecturer, teacher and friend....John F. McManus.)

(P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, the author of the test and I are strong acquaintances, if not friends.)

NOTE: John F. McManus is president emeritus of The John Birch Society. This article was originally published on Constitution Day, September 17, 2014.




Patriots plan to arrest Hillary, Obama, Bushes, Mueller, Rosenstein & more! LARRY KLAYMAN LEADS THE CHARGE TO MASS GRAND JURY INDICTMENTS!


Please help us restore our Republic!


We can hope!

Okay I'm not seeing these in chronological order. Happy late constitution day!

Posted using Partiko Android

"These" as in....?

Your posts in my feed. I think I may be viewing the out of the order you posted. No biggie

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh...Hmmm....They should show up in your feed in "most recent to oldest" order. Mine always do when looking at others in my feed, anyway. Maybe they can be set to sort differently...?...and yours are set to sort differently.

Not sure, but I read it in my sequence. It's the thought that counts, right!

Posted using Partiko Android


Although I like the sentiment, I don't think the constitution will survive communist infiltration. The teachers are teaching more divergent meanings every year, and precedence continues to diverge by activist judges.

If one were to consider that the constitution is a social construct, produced by a group, communisms main goal is to infiltrate that group and change (or end run) its social constructs to align with communist totalitarianism.

There is no social construct safe from these types of infiltration. Being willing to divest authority from any and all social constructs is the only way I see to stop the infiltration.

The Bill of Rights was the farthest push towards individual sovereignty that the world has seen. I think the next step is to not recognize any authority in social constructs, therefore leaving the disease of socialism with no host to infect. IMO the only path to self governing is a Individual Republic with no social government.

Can't go to that extreme with you, but I do share the concerns about the current status of the Constitution, v.v. a concerted, well-funded ideological attack on it, and the likely results of a dumbed-down, entitled-up, LAZY populace.

Yeah, it's a long trek to get that far right.

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