I've got a RED FLAG LAW for Congress and their Pedophile Friends.

in #informationwar5 years ago

You either get Congressional investigations into Jeffrey Epstein's intelligence connections (generally), and Israeli intelligence connections (specifically), NOW...or there will be a red flag raised against who you people really stand for and support.

The American people have had enough of being treated like serfs and mushrooms...i.e. kept in the dark and fed crap.

Here's what Ron Paul is saying about this topic:


Here is an excellent excerpt;

"The current use of “right-wing extremism” as a justification for expanding the surveillance state is the mirror image of the use of “Islamo-fascism” to justify the post 9-11 infringements on civil liberties. That is why it is distressing to see progressives and Muslim advocacy groups pushing for new federal authority to crack down on “domestic terrorism,” just as it was disappointing when so many conservatives who opposed Bill Clinton’s attempt to expand the surveillance state endorsed the exact same proposals when they were included in the PATRIOT Act. It is ironic that progressives are supporting new laws against domestic terrorism while simultaneously protesting FBI targeting of Black Lives Matter activists as domestic terrorists.

This is not to say there are not those with extreme ideologies who threaten our liberty and safety, but they are the Republicans and Democrats located in Washington, DC! The most obvious example of DC-based violent extremism is the war party propagandists who spread falsehoods to build support for regime change wars. By the time their falsehoods have been exposed, it is too late: America is stuck in another no-win quagmire and the war party has moved on to its next target."

(Image courtesy of change.org.)

RED FLAG WARNING, PEOPLE...We have a bunch of reds tied in with the international billionaire pedophile club running out country. Their new "red flag" "laws" (FYI, all "law" that contradicts the Constitution is, ipso facto, null and void) nonsense, and their blatant targeting of patriots who oppose their EVIL and their new world order, may be the final warning we all get before they go openly and violently rogue against the people and the Constitution.


I consider the Declaration of Independence the highest law of the land. It's never been amended, and was the first undertaking of the people of America, the initial agreement that created America. I also like the statements of purpose and litany of common sense regarding human rights and tyrannical acts. In our present circumstances, the implications are stark.


Works for me. Thanks backatcha.

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