I don't want to believe the former head of the KGB is more honest and nationalist than our own leaders, but...

in #informationwar5 years ago

...the evidence just keeps on building and building.

(Putin with his foreign secretary, Sergei Lavrov. Courtesy of washingtontimes.com.)

Consider this article about President Putin's Foreign Minister's latest comments on globalism and the new world order:


And here is a key excerpt from the link above:

"'The Western liberal model of development, which particularly stipulates a partial loss of national sovereignty – this is what our Western colleagues aimed at when they invented what they called globalization – is losing its attractiveness and is no more viewed as a perfect model for all. Moreover, many people in the very western countries are skeptical about it,' Lavrov said...

Lavrov went on to say. 'Particularly because there are a lot of issues that require generally acceptable solutions. These include regional conflicts, international terrorism, food security and environmental protection. This is why we believe that only diplomacy can help make agreements and reach sustainable decisions that will be accepted by all.'

'The US and its allies are trying to impose their approaches on others,' Lavrov noted. 'They are guided by a clear desire to preserve their centuries-long dominance in global affairs although from the economic and financial standpoint, the US – alone or with its allies – can no longer resolve all global economic and political issues,' he said."

(Get yours at teepublic.com.)

Sure..I can agree to much of that, except that I don't think that globalism ever appealed to anyone but elites and their apparatchik idiot underlings. I just don't want THE PEOPLE of any individual nation being blamed BY THE ELITES for the problems THEY HAVE CAUSED. That seems to be the way the game is always played, regardless of world view or modern political era.

People all over want the same simple things. PEACE, GOOD FOOD and CLEAN WATER, and the right to bring up their children without fear of violence or perverse agendas.

Is that too much to ask...of either the swamp in D.C. or the Communists that still run Russia?

I don't think so.


Putin is not a Communist. There is a Communist Party in Russia, and it is an opposition party today. Putin is not a member. While the Communist Party of Russia is the largest opposition party presently there, it runs a distant second to United Russia, the party Putin has been in since the 1990s IIRC. My recollection from that time is that he was a founder, or has been involved in that party, since that time. I'm not particularly well informed regarding Putin's political affiliations, nor the founding and history of United Russia, but I believe they are nationalist, rather than communist.

I completely agree regarding globalism, and note that nationalist institutions, such as United Russia, are constitutionally opposed to globalism. Unfortunately, there seems to be no nationalist party here in the states, and both the Republican and Democratic parties seem to be globalist in nature. There was an attempt prior to the election of Trump to cast him as a nationalist candidate, but he has certainly dispelled that notion since his administration began. While the globalist cabal's goals seem to be aligned with the interests of the US empire, the national interests of Americans generally and the USG itself are distinct, and more or less opposed to those of globalists, IMHO.

I am certainly opposed to their interests, as I think are you. Folks on the left seem to be more willing to accept the international governance mechanisms and extranational interests of such parties as seem involved in the globalist doctrines, such as disarmament of private people, centralization of power in the least local governance mechanisms, and equalization of wealth (serfdom) of all civilians. Unfortunately, it seems that those interests are more and more being prosecuted militarily with the hearty support of those people whose bemusement at geopolitics enables them to believe war is peace - as long as it's happening to brown people somewhere else.

Nothing could be more vile.

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