Holy Dwelling: Michael Heath Blog #7

in #informationwar5 years ago

Michael Heath is a friend and Christian brother who USED TO BE the head of Maine's most important Christian organization--The Christian Civic League of Maine. That is until it was undermined by sodomite sympathizers within the churches in Maine who forced his removal about 10 year ago now. Since then, Maine, like the rest of the nation, has been on a downward spiral of continued coddling of evil, and the results of that are everywhere, from the push to normalize pedophilia, bestiality, polygamous marriages, etc., to other backpedaling betrayals of Christian principles in matters of the family, the protection of innocent life, mandatory vaccination, etc.

Mike and his wife Paulie remain avid and active Christian Warriors, and their ministry "Helping Hands" deserves the support of all people who care about life, family, and social issues. Here is an example of Mike's good work, and how the state's second largest newspaper, The Bolshevik Dorogoy Novosti--sometimes known by it's English equivalent "The Bangor Daily News" and the Southern Poverty Law Center described him recently:


Mike has asked me to re-post articles from his blog here on Steemit.com, and I told him I would be glad to do so, as they are witty, well-written, and most importantly poignantly charged with Christian principles and issues surrounding the need for the return of the militant church.


Holy Dwelling

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. — Psalm 68:5

There really is a God. He lives in a Holy dwelling. That means He doesn’t live in an unholy dwelling. The word holiness means to be set apart. The Psalmist here also points out that God is a FATHER. He is a defender of widows. Widows are people who have lost their spouse. Do you really think that the God the Psalmist is describing here is a defender of Mayor Pete’s “widow.” Pete believes that. Christian … do you believe that? Do your seriously believe that the Psalmist is talking here about a God who wants to be a Father to Mayor Pete’s fatherless “children.” I put children in quotes because I realized as I wrote that sentence that Mayor Pete, the “wife”, can’t even have children. I guess now we can see why God sets Himself apart. We are a fallen race without hope in this world. We need a savior. The best we can do on our own is to really screw things up (pun intended). And then to scream proudly how right we are. In some profoundly spiritual way God acts from His holy dwelling. He cares about the victims … the fatherless — He becomes their Father. He DEFENDS the widows. People have asked me for years how America will get out of this hell we have created for ourselves. I’ve worked every political angle known to man responding to baby murder and sodomy over the past three decades. I’ve won some, and I’ve lost more. Politics is a distraction, especially now. Satan wants us attending their public hearings, sending emails, making phone calls and really believing that the mechanics of democracy are still effective. I’ve got news for you. The long march through the institutions worked. The devil isn’t just going to school. He runs it. He isn’t just an influence on our governments at every level. His “values” and “morality” define our laws and have successfully subverted our constitution. He is in your head so much more than you know dear Christian. But … God. He still exists and he does dwell in his holy place. And He is Father to the fatherless. All Americans are fatherless now. The only way out for our civilization is to trust God. He wants to be our Father. As strong minded and impressive a man as Donald Trump is you don’t have to trust in Him alone. Dear Fatherless Christian American you can … you must … turn to your heavenly Father. All Americans have been widowed from the institution of marriage. We aren’t going to fix that through politics alone. The devil is too strong. We need a defender. And we have one. His name is Jesus Christ. His gospel is all that we need. His narrative truly is good news, the best news. You can be saved from the confusion and chaos that you struggle with daily in your own family now. To receive this salvation you must draw closer and closer to your heavenly Father in His holy dwelling. I’ll do that today at the murder mill in Columbus, Ohio and tomorrow at the “gay” pride parade. Amen.

Prayer and Praise

I learned last night during our coaching time for today's events that the witches and Leftists are becoming unhinged over here in Columbus Ohio.  We went over specific tactics to stay safe, and not spin these demons up to the point where they become physically violent.  Pray for our team of Christians.  We'll be in front of the Columbus murder mill this morning, and then the sodomite parade tomorrow.  Coach says that the turnout is expected to be a half million.

Praise God that He has drawn folks from over a dozen states to this All Hands on Deck event.  We are going to protect the innocent and confront the diabolical forces hard at work destroying all the goodness for which America once stood, fought and sacrificed.


Our mailing address is:

Helping Hands Ministries
Suite B 140 North Main Street
Mt. Airy 27030
United States
[email protected]


Very nice and attractive.

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