
No, I’m actually serious 😂 an infinite sea level type earth in all directions to infinity is one of my favorite possibilities to think about. Alien worlds might just be across the pond off the map somewhere. Not saying it’s my highest probabile possibility, but it is definitely one of my favorite models to kick around my brain.

You’re the second person in the thread to accuse me of not being serious!

I try to keep my mind open to all possibilities. A friend of mine recently told me he thinks I’m limiting myself thinking the earth might be flat. I asked him who has more possibilities to imagine, someone who believes the world is 100% a spinning ball or someone who can kick around either thought model without bias? Twice as much thought potential by my math.

OK. I just think that as adventuresome as mankind is, we would know by now if you can sail on into infinity in some direction. No one has EVER flown/sailed/driven out of an area known to exist on charts and maps, and/or GPS...or even, to my knowledge, claimed to have done so.

I do love your spirit of adventurous thought, though, my friend.

That is certainly a valid thought, but not something I can prove logically. Very hard to prove something has never occurred if we have limited if any information on all past events.

Perhaps old admiral Byrd was trying to cross the gap to the next plane. Maybe it was just one of the first best sci ops. Maybe he was trying to puncture the firmament.

What do you make of Werner von braun’s Tombstone?

I don't know about von Braun's tombstone. What's it say?

If it's an infinite plane, why do we have different timezones and why can you see the sun go behind the horizon from every single place on earth corresponding to a sphere? If the earth isn't a sphere what explains lunar eclipse? Can you show me one plane model that describes the need for timezones with the sun following the same rising and falling behind the horizon and the lunar eclipse?

Posted using Partiko Android

How about you find me a scale model of a lunar eclipse that makes sense.

What doesn't make sense about the scale model that gets taught all over the world?

Posted using Partiko Android

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