Dumbing Down in America. It's real folks. HERE IS THE SCIENTIFIC PROOF.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I wish the folks at Natural News had mentioned my dear friend and fellow researcher, Charlotte Iserbyt of Maine, who has done yeoman's work in disclosing that the population of the United States has been INTENTIONALLY dumbed down by the elite, but this is still a pretty good article (and "must-have" info):


What I find particularly encouraging is the fact that these Nordic researchers are making their conclusions at the same time that the World Health Organization (WHO) was finally forced to admit, despite overwhelming bribery and coercion from Big Agra--that "Roundup" (glyphosate), which is sprayed on very large proportions of America's high-volume corn, soy and other human-sustenance crops-- is a likely a human carcinogen.

Here is an excerpt from the cited article:

"After evaluating the test scores of more than 730,000 young men, the Norwegian duo learned that IQ levels are dropping by about seven points per generation. These findings mirror those uncovered by a separate by related study out of Great Britain, which revealed that IQ levels have been dropping by between 2.5 – 4.3 points per decade ever since the end of World War II.

This is a sharp contrast to the state of human intelligence during the first half of the Twentieth century, when average IQ scores were rising at a steady rate. So what might be the cause of this sudden change where we’re seeing people becoming dumber rather than smarter?"

The article then goes on to point at fluoride, big pharma (vaccine adjuvants, in particular) and big agra sprays as largely responsible for that amazing drop in IQ.

Give quotes like this....:

“In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions of intellectual and character education fade from their minds, and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people, or any of their children, into philosophers, or men of science. We have not to raise up from them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen -- of whom we have an ample supply. The task is simple. We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.” ~ John D. Rockefeller, Sr.

....is it any wonder we are finding, more and more frequently, that the modern corporatocracy is behind the INTENTIONAL DUMBING DOWN of the American populace?

And, if we needed any more proof, all we need to is turn to whistle blower Charlotte Iserbyt for the details on how this is also being done on the McEducation front:


Most of Charlotte's materials are FREE downloads, including her seminal work "Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America."

When taken together, it's obvious how good having a pliable and STUPID population is for our self-appointed trillionaire overlords. The global swamp counts on an uneducated and disinterested citizenry in order to complete their total dominance, finish ushering in the global police state, and to avoid anyone (or group) from rising up with significant intelligent assets to challenge their evil hegemony.

Seven points per generation?!?! WOW...by 2100, the average global intelligence level will be below even that portrayed in the classic "comedy" (and stealth social commentary) film from 2006..."Idiocracy." Truly.


Alarming! It is easier to direct the masses if there is no resistance. Obediance has been a goal of most governments since we evolved from the days of gathring and hunting, roaming about from place to place aimlessly. Despite the vast knowledge that chronicles the effects that environmental pollutants have on our well-being, we continue to turn a blind eye. As with many issues, change needs to start from the top.
As an educator, the dumbing down of society seems to have taken hold in our educational systems as well. Children are promoted from one grade to the next without any merit. Rather than offering courses that challange students and foster self thinkers, we water down curriculumns as to make sure everyone passes. Yes, there are courses for those who show the appitude, but those numbers are small.

What ever happened to democracy! A government for the people, run by the people?

Great commentary, Swede, and right on the money! Thanks for adding that to the thread.

I totally believe this! It is exactly why my fiance and I went all organic/clean eating and don't use household chemicals or get vaccinated. We also purify all of our water and use all natural toothpaste and soaps and lotions.. They are out to dumb us down and give us cancer so we have to rely on their corrupt system to survive. Great article. Oh yeah, I love the reference to Idiocracy too, soo fricken true! lol

Thanks man! Upvoted your comment and following now....

& then people call us crazy for trying to talk to them about all of the chemical contaminants they constantly put in their bodies. The same people often wonder why they are sick all the time & continue to trust the dr for magic pills. I say “us” because I know it happens to everyone with any sense in this culture

So much damage in so little time. Get clean water and clean air. Great read.

I am not surprised. Soon they will have the population at the levels of 'Brave New World', with Epsilon Morons as their 'Consumer Units'.

Very well said!

Couldn't agree with you more regarding Charlotte Iserbyt , her research showing how we've been deliberately dumbed down is irrefutable and her knowledge is second to none. Another website worth looking at is American Deception, it's managed by her son, Sam.

The following quotes say it better than i can and it's only going to get worse

"Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well - by creating the international child of the future"

  • Dr. Chester M. Pierce, Psychiatrist, address to the Childhood International Education Seminar, 1973

Teaching school children to read was a "perversion" and high literacy rate bred "the sustaining force behind individualism."

  • John Dewey, Educational Psychologist

“The world is changing education must also change. Societies everywhere are undergoing deep transformation, and this calls for new forms of education to foster the competencies that societies and economies need, today and tomorrow. This means moving beyond literacy and numeracy, to focus on learning environments and new approaches to learning for greater justice, social equity and global solidarity. Education must be about learning to live on a planet under pressure. It must be about cultural literacy, on the basis of respect and equal dignity helping weave together the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.”

  • Irina Bokova. Director General of UNESCO. 2015- Rethinking Education Towards a Global Common Good

Excellent! Well said. Sam has been attacked physically twice, and shot and left for dead once. The State of Maine DID NOTHING and has not even charged his assailant who is well known to them.

The same corrupt judicial system that stole Lori Handrahan's daughter from her.

I bought four copies when it first came out and also got it on kindle. I spent months looking into her case and couldn't believe the extent of the coverup of the story, especially social media. It's one of the hardest and saddest things i've researched. I only posted something about both cases on your latest article, which is another excellent article.

Excellent. Thanks!

Hey, @mepatriot.

So much is at work against freedom and individual rights. Even without some kind of global conspiracy, conglomerates working under the creed of profit at all costs, and governments intentionally asserting their will and control over all they can, even if they actually worked against each other or at cross purposes, the results seem to be the same—the people lose.

I have not been a fan of the flu shot for years. I have not taken one in a long time and don't normally get sick with it. I do get sick, but it's usually a once a year cold of some kind.

I also think blame needs to laid at our own feet as well, for all the conveniences that we demand, at the prices we demand. It just becomes a machine of self-perpetuation without any end in sight until the whole system collapses under its own weight and instability.

Thanks for your comments. Very little can be known for certain, that's for sure.

btw....Take enough Vitamin D3 and you will never get a cold.

Vitamin D3? Okay. I'll keep that in mind. I've always thought it was supposed to be Vitamin C, as in Orange Juice, which I do drink. Although, it seems to have Calcium in it now.

I need to check into more of the natural, home remedies. Not much into supplements or pill popping.

re: known for certain

No. Since no one with all the information will likely tell us the truth, in it's entirety. However, it doesn't take too much looking around to know that something is off, and it doesn't take too much more than that to see that what they're saying and then doing are not one and the same.

Seems to me as long as we have our doubts and hold leaders accountable for their words and deeds, we're at least better off than we are if we just let them follow whatever agendas they may have.

And, we need to stop losing IQ points before we're back to the Neanderthals. :)

Yes, Glen, Vitamin C is crucial. Most Americans already know that, though, and many are thus not deficient in that. On the other hand, LOADS of people are very deficient in Vitamin D3, especially in the winter in the north when they aren't out in the sun much, and when flu season is at its peak.

I agree with your other comments as well.

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howdy sir mepatriot! first of all great job on finding the perfect photos! lol. funny but not funny at the same time. So the main methods they are using are chemicals and then the education system.

Well it is so obvious that something sad has changed when you read letters written in the 1800's by uneducated people and they sound like geniuses compared to people today, I think it's more than just the style of writing, the differences I mean.
This is a great article that everyone should see, I'm resteeming.

Thanks, Jon! Glad you found it apropos. Thanks for resteeming.

howdy again sir metpatriot...my gosh look at you, I just noticed you're at rep59! wow how do you move up so fast? the volume of posts? well, I;m sure it doesn't feel fast to you though does it? at any rate that rep60 is a great milestone to achieve. I think you should have a party when you get there!

I may just...

You are 100% right, destroy the intelligence, and control is easy!

It is SAD that these Evil people think they have the right to do this to begin with!

THIS is why we are moving to the country to grow our own food, and avoid this contaminated mess! I think it is the only good recipe for survival I can see.

Idiocracy was never very funny, it was always too close to the truth to suit me! But these numbers are disturbing to see!

I don't think this old world will last that long!


Amen, brother. "Evenso, come quickly Lord Jesus."

Amen and AMEN! Watch to the East, My Brother! He will be back here soon.


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