Brits ready to CRACK DOWN HARD on anti-vaxxers. Has it begun?

in #informationwar5 years ago

I've felt for a long while that a day would eventually come when people would be dragged out of their homes kicking and screaming to face mandatory vaccination at curbside, or arrest and imprisonment. YES..dear friends...I do fear Big Pharma profits ARE that imperative and "important."

Of course, Orwell was right, and all the most draconian, dystopian governmental actions begin in England-- long-time home of the original imperial storm troopers of REAL LIFE...going back centuries (and way before the German S.S.)

(Image courtesy of

Here is an interesting article on what is going on in the British "healthcare" system right now:

Here is an excerpt:

"Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said he will not 'rule out' bold action to protect children as new figures showed fewer are receiving routine NHS vaccinations.

Mr Hancock, who said in April he could not rule out the possibility that unvaccinated children would be sent home from school in future, warned 'devastating diseases can, and will, resurface.'

He suggested “bold action” could be taken if vaccination rates fail to improve."

(Does this man --Matt Hancock--look serious, educated, smart and powerful enough to make your health decisions for you?)

Ummm...Did you catch that? THESE PEOPLE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY AND THE POWER, of course, to bring that dire prediction of "devastating disease" upon the whole planet if enough of us refuse to yield up our bodies to whatever needle they may want to jab us with. The article hints at what the "bold action" could be too...

For now, they are only admitting their willingness to keep people from engaging in public activities, but I suspect, given what we know about the nature of our "leaders," that far, far worse is on the table.

We just haven't seen behind the door of that particular room yet.

The good news is that, apparently, large numbers of British parents are beginning to exhibit a very healthy skepticism about their own government leaders, specifically in the so-called "healthcare" arena.

Check out this additional excerpt:

"The proportion of children vaccinated with all doses of the combined diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b (DTaP/IPV/Hib) jab fell to 92.1% by age 12 months, its lowest level since 2008-09 and below the 95% target.

This compares with 93.1% being protected in 2017-18 and shows a 2.6% drop in coverage over the last six years."

Let's hope that the propaganda dam bursts so fast and suddenly that these governmental cretins have no way to stop the leakage in their designed system of mandatory vaccination.


Let's hope that the propaganda dam bursts so fast and suddenly that these governmental cretins have no way to stop the leakage in their designed system of mandatory vaccination.

Well, keep on posting articles that point out truths about the dangers. If you can wake one person per day and they each can wake one person per week and so on...the numbers can grow quite fast.

No point in going out to do anything dangerous when you can achieve the same by trying harder to wake up more parents.

Also, it is a pity that home schooling is not taking off as it should.

Very good points. I agree. Homechooling is THE answer...if we can keep it protected from the bureauRATS control.

You aren't smart enough to educate a child.

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