
well sir mepatriot I would be outside every minute that I could be if I lied in such a cold the summertime I mean so that list looks really good. Do you have to practice playing the organ or do you know everything by heart or can read music well enough that you can just play it without practicing?

I know most of the music well enough not to need practice, unless they throw in new stuff, which they do do from time to time.

this is to accompany the choir so it's whatever they choose?

Well...there is a choir...but they don't do "special music" really...just a very short couple of responsive songs to the readings. Mostly what the "choir" does is just lead the congregation in the congregational hymns.

so in other words you could probably play those in your sleep!

Pretty much...although I am a trained pianist, not an organist, so the foot pedals still aren't as natural to me as they would be to some people.

is this a volunteer position or are you raking in the big bucks for an hour each week?

I'm paid per mass. Not enough to live on, but not bad.

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