Astroturf PROVEN and "celebrated." YOU HAVE GOT TO LISTEN TO THIS!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

They were once again caught on tape, lying that they aren't going to tell people they are being bused into an out-of-district campaign. These people are being PAID, too, you can count on that.

This should be played on every major network.

Does anyone know if Faux News (or any other T.V. outlet) has played this audio? If so, PLEASE post below. Thanks.

Here's the link:

Can you believe this stuff??

That woman giving those instructions needs to be arrested for subverting the nation. If that isn't treason, then we need to have a Constitutional Amendment specifically making it so.

Is this really the same country I was born in???

Here is one the Constitution says in Article IV of The Bill of Rights:

"SECTION 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."

Someone explain to me how that isn't then treason already? How can we have a republican form of government when such fraud is being daily perpetrated against us without accountability or recourse??


How about you?


I can not believe what i just heard on that video. That is exactly the problem with politics in general. People will lie, steal, and cheat to further their agenda. Facts no longer matter. Say it enough times and you start to believe the bulls___t yourself.

Well said, big guy. THIS CRAP has to be prosecuted!!

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