Days of Laughter Follow World's Nights of Weeping: Michael Heath Blog #75

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Michael Heath is a friend and Christian brother who USED TO BE the head of Maine's most important Christian organization--The Christian Civic League of Maine. That is until it was undermined by sodomite sympathizers within the churches in Maine who forced his removal about 10 year ago now. Since then, Maine, like the rest of the nation, has been on a downward spiral of continued coddling of evil, and the results of that are everywhere, from the push to normalize pedophilia, bestiality, polygamous marriages, etc., to other backpedaling betrayals of Christian principles in matters of the family, the protection of innocent life, mandatory vaccination, etc.

Mike and his wife Paulie remain avid and active Christian Warriors, and their ministry "Helping Hands" deserves the support of all people who care about life, family, and social issues. Here is an example of Mike's good work, and how the state's second largest newspaper, The Bolshevik Dorogoy Novosti--sometimes known by it's English equivalent "The Bangor Daily News" and the Southern Poverty Law Center described him recently:

Mike has asked me to re-post articles from his blog here on, and I told him I would be glad to do so, as they are witty, well-written, and most importantly poignantly charged with Christian principles and issues surrounding the need for the return of the militant church.


"For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." — Psalms 30:5

Days of Laughter Follow World’s Nights of Weeping

For many years I’ve said that our mistake is not laughing hard enough at the anti-God nonsense. The willful emotional weakness of Christianity over decades produced what the internet is calling “wokeness.” I’m pretty sure that this term refers to a Leftist fantasy. Killary Clinton and her cultural Marxist pals think their expensive global fake news and entertainment crusade is causing their fictional utopia to emerge.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The long nights of weeping under the propaganda barrage of globalism is coming to an end. We are witnessing the dawn of something new. I am praying that … to quote Eugene Peterson’s version of the above passage from the Psalms, “The nights of crying your eyes out are giving way to days of laughter.”

Peterson renders the previous thought in the verse, “He gets angry once in a while, but across a lifetime there is only love.” God gets angry. That’s a revelation to the woke brands of Christianity. The Western Church has completely abandoned the idea that God is a brutal Judge. When He decides to end the march of evil through a culture it often ends in blood.

We are still here after a few thousand years of recorded history because of His love. Up to now His discipline has always been followed by a restoration … a resurrection. Are we witnessing the dawn of a restoration? I don’t know. But I do know that the power obsessed Left is coming on hard times the world over. Christianity is rising along with a renewed respect for tradition, history and national sovereignty. This reality is most visible on the internet, but you must dig for it. If you do you will be richly rewarded.

My favorite source for truth is YouTube, believe it or not. Using their paid Premium service I’m able to avoid all the advertising and download YouTubes for viewing or listening when the phone is disconnected from the internet. For fifteen bucks a month six of my family members are able to enjoy the same experience.

I have one hundred YouTubes downloaded onto my phone right now. I listen when I jog in the morning, when I’m driving somewhere. I was able to listen and watch fascinating fresh content from sources I appreciate while flying to North Carolina from Maine earlier this week. Because of the download feature I was able to listen while in airplane mode.

Another helpful addition to the YouTube phone app is the ability to turn the phone’s screen off without ending the YouTube. In other words you can put the phone in your pocket and continue listening.

This isn’t an advertisement for YouTube or Google. You all know how I feel about Google. I agree with George Gilder’s assessment in his book “Life After Google.” Their “free” and privacy-destroying system of the world is coming to an end. It is being replaced by the opposite of what is emerging in Communist China.

In December China will deploy a new facial recognition system capable of denying an individual access to the internet. They are installing over 600 million cameras throughout their country right now. Their goal is to be able to identify every individual in their nation within three seconds.

That will never happen in the West thanks to Christian doctrine, dogma, culture and tradition. There are too many of us with too much awareness of the truth for that to happen. My prayer is that our resistance remains bloodless as our victory over Killary’s communist dystopia is realized. If it comes to bloodshed I know which side I’m on. I’m on the side of Christian liberty and patriotism.

The new Joker movie is an example of our emerging victory. It is receiving high praise from thoughtful internet commentators. I’m not going to see the movie. I’ve lost my interest in almost all of them.

The Joker is a tragedy. It explains violence in the West. The movie ends with the Joker shooting Robert DiNero in the head. DiNero plays a popular talk show host who earns eyeballs by mocking the Joker. For ratings he invites the Joker on the show. Big mistake.

The woke media is, metaphorically speaking, being murdered by independent conversations all over the world. Globalist massaged content is giving way to Facebook conversations, YouTube learning and the rising world of privacy-honoring programs on the internet.

I see the world’s nights of weeping ending.

I spoke with a sixteen year old the other day. He told me that his peers in the local public high school are all laughing out loud at internet memes that mock Greta Thunberg, the mentally ill abused climate alarmist youngster who lectured the world at the United Nations recently. This should give us all hope for the future.

The Psalmist once again, “All you saints! Sing your hearts out to God! Thank him to his face! He gets angry once in a while, but across a lifetime there is only love. The nights of crying your eyes out give way to days of laughter.”


Prayers requested for our outreach this evening in Hickory. Twenty of us will don "Lock 'Er Up" T-shirts and pass out Equal Justice Tour cards to North Carolinians arriving at the Franklin Graham event tonight. This is the opening event of our Coach Dave Live Huddle that ends at noon on Saturday. If you cannot attend make a donation to help us with the financial costs associated with the event. Thanks!


Helping Hands Ministries * 237 Byerly Street * Mt. Airy, NC * 27030

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