
So, now I have this post forever in my resteems, without the video I found important enough to resteem.

Please do not so affect my stream, and reduce the relevance of it to my followers. I request you restore the information that was posted and that I resteemed, since I am unable to unresteem.

Hmmm, yeah. Lots of feeds have a wasted slot on them now.
Until mepatriot gets the content in question back up, maybe we could put a link to it here in the comments, for people who see this post?

Or even a link to the new post wouldn't be a bad idea ! As long as it too doesn't get removed.

I'm battling serial downvoters who gray out my material, the links for which I send to hundreds via email. I've been forced to re-post. It's there, should you choose to resteem the newer version.

Sorry, but forcing the @bloom character to re-downvote more posts actually is having an impact on his overall ability to harm others, thusly, and that is the only way I know of to fight back.

Unfortunately, I am unwilling to fill my stream with deleted posts, for what I consider more substantial reason than @bloom's VP. In the event you can either commit to a post, or forewarn it may be deleted, I may be able to again resteem your posts.

Edit: @drutter has made an excellent suggestion that would partially solve my problem. Would you be kind enough to comment here and include a link to the video?


What I resteemed was a video that refuted AGW and revealed how AGW was being used to prevent development and keep poor people vulnerable to overlords. The above link was not what I resteemed. I appreciate your attempt to resolve the problem, and request you do link the video in question, please.


Take and then add /watch?v=oYhCQv5tNsQ


This is the video I intended to share with my followers, and why I resteemed your post, as you had discovered and shared it.


No...thank YOU!

Just use /

@valued-customer @cattledog

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