Pedo Jeff settles. Civil case will not be heard. His victims remain silenced, thanks to his BILLIONS.

in #informationwar6 years ago

Well, that didn't take long. The long-awaited civil trial of one of the biggest billionaire pedo club swamp creatures was to begin today down in Miami...But, IT AIN'T HAPPENING, FOLKS.

Apparently, the victims' lawyer got an apology, BUT NOT THE VICTIMS, who will, at least, get some settlement money. ...AND THE PEDO CLUB SKIPS OFF INTO THE SUNSET fully enabled to strike again, over, and over, and over.

(Epstein. Will anything EVER wipe that smug grin off this pedophiles face??)

Here is a link:

Here is an excerpt:

"A series of stories in the Miami Herald, published over the past week, outlined all the ways in which the U.S. Attorney’s Office under Acosta colluded with the Epstein defense team to hide the agreement from the press, public and victims until after it was executed. As part of the deal with Acosta 10 years ago, Epstein served slightly over a year in the Palm Beach County stockade after pleading guilty to two minor prostitution-related charges."

...AND...he was allowed to literally walk out of prison for sixteen hours each day and go wherever he wanted to go! YOU try getting that deal if you so much as commit 1/10th of what this snake committed.

The lawyer who caved today is saying that he is "determined" to get the victims their day in court by somehow getting a reversal on the special softball settlement in the criminal trial that was negotiated by TRUMP'S CURRENT LABOR SECRETARY, and made null and void. that is going to happen.

I am beyond angry. I hope you are too.


Angry yes, but in noway surprised.
After the sentence he received allowing him to be out and about, supposedly for work, you had to know that money would be the deciding factor.

For "work?

CBS Morning News just did do a very unfavorable 5-minute report on him though...just aired. Glad to see it. They are saying that new criminal charges might be possible.

You've also done it to another post yesterday, and 2, 4 and 5 days ago with 3 other posts.

Yep. It's a bit of "bloom" payback. He's been downvoting me a lot with no explanation lately.

I also have done it sometimes going back months now when my posts were about to be dusted.

I didn't know it was not acceptable.... Especially given that I am now making 1/10th of what I should be making given what has happened to the SP since I signed up. Sink or swim reaction, I guess, krnel.


Its shit like this that makes me have no faith in our countries justice system! Shit half of the politicians/judges are prolly pedos too, thats how they can get away with this shit.. Its disgusting!

I couldn't agree more. It's going to take exactly what Thomas Jefferson warned us it would take...

Was it Jefferson or Washington that said the people need a revolution every hundred years or so to keep the government in check? Either way we are well overdue!

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"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787

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