Socialists (& other assorted libbies) ARE NOT ELIGBLE FOR OFFICE, because they can't take the oath and mean it.

in #informationwar5 years ago

...So, don't bother voting for almost any Democrat under forty, because the vast majority of them are SOCIALISTS in outlook, if not openly by name.

This is NOT hyperbole. There is an excellent new article out that explains, clearly, why most modern Democrats are not eligible to be President...or anything else that requires an oath to the People and the Constitution to be seated. This means there is not a single Democrat currently running for President who can legal server if they should be elected.

(Image courtesy of

Check out this link:

Here is a compelling excerpt:

"Unless a winning candidate takes the oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, he cannot take office. But there is more to the law than that. In order to take office, a candidate who has won an election must take the oath honestly, free of perjury, and without reservation. If a candidate takes the oath with the intent not to keep the oath, the oath is invalid, and the candidate is ineligible to hold office, per the law. Yet the governments of America are rife with officials who violate their oath. Not only that, but candidates are permitted to take the oath, and then to take office, about whom it is well known before the fact that they do not bear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States."

So...what is needed to correct the situation? First, we need PEOPLE to sue for removal in large numbers in class action. Then, we need grand juries who are NOT beholden to a judge who might be corrupt. Then, we need to either have an honest and Constitutionally-minded judge hearing these cases.

That's a short laundry list, but a tough one. We need, also, to have sheriff's and posses that will keep THEIR OATH of OFFICE and remove manifestly corrupt court officials as necessary.'s not going to happen, as out country is currently educated and constituted.

But, at least now you understand the issues at hands.


In the words of the glorious Richard Nixon:

Am I under oath when I take the oath?

Socialists take oat meals...

voted to spread the wealth.


Sadly... Complacency has become a permanent resident in the people's mind.

But well I still get to be sarcastic and reinforce the message... I guess all is good... (Or isn't it?)

lol hehe

I am self voting our comments to exert our rights to earn money

Indeed, so. It will take a major collapse of one or more elements of the welfare state to change that, I suspect.

(BTW...thanks SOOO much for your help to overcome the effect of @bloom's downvotes... I have my own personal downvoter, assigned, apparently, to repeatedly downvote EVERYTHING I post But your vote easily outweighs his...ha! ha!)

Steemit in a nut shell...

There is something wrong, the part of my comment where i spoke about your socialist fan is gone...

It has happened in the past when I edit a comment...

The older it gets the broken it gets... Oh wait... it reminds of the Marxist doctrine...

No it is steemit!

LOL...You have the coolest, memes!

I make them myself (Proudly handcrafted with power point lol) hahahaha!
Love lego, scarface and batman... I am a little of each... (Even thou this is my Bruce Wayne account and usually do not get in trouble with it... (The one with the money and the power and the such... It is slowly turning into Tony Montana...

Very cool.

Bruce Wayne is actually more my speed

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