The horror of a Yazidi teenager when she met again in Germany with the member of the Islamic State that kidnapped her.

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This is the case of a teenage girl who went to Germany escaping from the Islamic State, looking for the "security" she thought she could find in the Western European nations, but that suddenly ended up face to face with the member of the Islamic State that had kidnapped previously.

Ashwaq was only 14 when Islamic State fighters stormed into northern Iraq, including the heartland of the Yazidi people.

They took thousands of women as sex slaves, including Ashwaq - sold for $100 to a man named Abu Humam.

Raped and beaten, she managed to escape three months later and then went to Germany with her mother and one brother.

>>Source <<

This is one more example of the countless evidences that currently in Europe and probably in America too, the terrorists, murderers and rapists of the Islamic State buy coffee in the cafeterias and drive along the same roads that we, the citizens, do daily.

Ashwaq told the BBC: "On the way back to school a car pulled up next to me. He was sitting in the front seat. He talked to me in German and asked: 'Are you Ashwaq?' I was so scared I was shaking. I said: 'No, who are you?'"

She said he then replied: "I know you are Ashwaq, and I am Abu Humam."

Ashwaq said he then started to talk to her in Arabic and told her not to lie to him.

"I know you, he said. And where you live and who you live with. He knew everything about my life in Germany."

>>Source <<

These men who belong to the Islamic State know perfectly how to evade the light bureaucracy and regulations and carry out their operations in Europe and in the West in general, so it is important to reaffirm that the policies of migration, used by them to infiltrate their men, as open borders, are very dangerous policies for the security of Western citizens.

"I left my family and my country and went to Germany to forget the beating and the pain. The last thing I expected was to meet my IS captor and that he would know everything about me."

Fearful that she would see her captor again and wishing to be reunited with four of her sisters who had since been rescued from IS, Ashwaq returned to northern Iraq, leaving behind the town of Schwäbisch Gmünd where she had hoped to start a new life.

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And this is not an isolated case, the activists say that it is something relatively repetitive, only that the victims do not always report the situation to the authorities.

However, activists in Germany say her case may not be an isolated incident.

Düzen Tekkal, an activist and the founder of Hawar.Help, a Berlin-based organisation which campaigns for Yazidi rights, says she has heard of several cases where female Yazidi refugees recognised IS fighters in Germany.

Ashwaq herself says she heard similar accounts from other Yazidi girls who had escaped the jihadists.

Not all cases are reported to the authorities, however.

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The case is so ironic that the victim feels more secure going to Iraq, than to remain in German territory.

"If the world was destroyed, I would not go to Germany again," she said.

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We must stop this in some way, and I think the only way to do it is by making the difficult and unpopular decisions, but at the same time sensible ones. We must control migration and borders, the world is not a safe place. Sex trafficking, slavery, drugs, and many other things are carried out in various countries outside the West, but it is inevitable for me to think that evil is in the house, the people who are really running these organizations are people who live here , in our countries and who want all possible facilities at the border, to do what they want.


that is some crazy shit. These sort of stories make me think it is too late for Europe. Trump tried to put a clause in one of his immigration orders that would have helped the Yazidi escape from Iraq but the leftists sued him claiming that he had put a religious test into the order and the court stopped it, leaving the persecuted Christians there to be raped and killed.

If this is rubbish, but I do not think it only happens in Europe, this germ has spread to all western countries. On the other hand, I'd like to put a dirty sock in the mouths of the leftists, so that they don't say so much shit.

Well, Europe and Canada anyhow, we have a reprieve here in America thanks to Trump, he has declared that we will not become a refugee camp.

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In the US we don't hear nearly enough about the atrocities that are regularly committed in other parts of the world. We are too focused on our own petty dramas. Thank you for sharing this.

Remember that tightening borders and strict monitoring is a high price. And we already have a very high degree of tighter border control. The freedom you have here in Germany would be over if you go further with control. What you are hinting at is nothing less than a totalitarian regime that no longer allows its citizens to travel freely. You would have to reduce the number of travellers, discourage your own people from travelling in order to have a watertight border control. You would end up in a state you are actually trying to avoid and would have a similarly rigid system that you reject.

Life is always risky and there is no such thing as absolute safety if you want to experience a healthy form of freedom at the same time.

Choosing and writing about such cases is highly sensitive and also dangerous because it creates a mood. People get scared and make decisions that affect the political and societal system. There will be a great shift to the right if we are not careful because people who are afraid tend to place not only individual criminals but entire peoples under general suspicion. Headlines, on the other hand, can be made very good with this example with the young woman.

The case is so ironic that the victim feels more secure going to Iraq, than to remain in German territory. "If the world was destroyed, I would not go to Germany again," she said.

Basically, this has no correlation to Germany. When dangerous people try to find someone by all means, they are highly likely to succeed - everywhere where it's as safe or unsafe as in Germany resp. a similar form of constitution exists.

Sure, if I have a concreted border that is sealed off from everything, then as a criminal I will not find a woman there because I cannot get into the country. But it is also likely that this very woman on the run would not be allowed to enter such a country either!

Germany has become a place of security and home for many people, especially for many Syrian refugees in the recent years. I work as a social worker and deal directly with people from abroad.

There is an exaggerated and incited scaremongering between the West and the people of the Middle East, which is mentioned in the same context of religion and in no way contributes to people seeing that it is peaceful negotiations, diplomacy and prudent people who contribute to ensuring that it is not worse than it is perceived at present.

I see that you feel for that woman. But be careful with your emotions.

I understand what you say, and I respect it, I see your good intentions, however, I can not agree. Not all refugees are bad, perhaps not even the majority, but crime continues to increase in Europe with the arrival of them, I only looked at the case of Sweden, not to mention that the increase in population leads to an abrupt increase in state spending , therefore, higher taxes for taxpayers. The real problem of the refugees will not be seen at this moment, but later, in the long term, and in the future it will be too late. Either this is solved peacefully now, or later it will be solved in a tragic way, the only thing I want is that we avoid a negative conclusion of this issue.

I would like to ask you something.
In order to make a five hundred square meter room bulletproof, meaning 100 % safe for all people at all times; those leaving the room as well as those entering the room (this room does not stand alone in a space, it exists within a big building, let's say a hundred story huge one):

What specific measurements would you need for guaranteeing this form of absolute safety?

Now let's add to that the costs; the amount of money which must be spend on the safety measurements of this place.

Do you think it's cheaper to maintain safety compared to let 20 more people into the room?

...From what I sense, "costs" and "taxes" is a distracting argument of yours.

Also, if you would empty out Germany of all its foreigners, for example, our economy would suffer a great deal.

But... I think we actually do not talk about money. It's about something else ...

Well, then it would be a issue of asking the European population if they really want to pay for maintaining the social assistance of the refugees, the greater the population, the larger the size of the State, the need for more schools, more hospitals, more housing, the single presence of a greater number of people brings an expense for the native population much higher than the construction of a wall, which I do not propose that they do either.

But it is clear that these people are coming to Europe for the Welfare State, they can earn more with the social assistance that the State grants them, than working elsewhere. They do not even have the interest to adapt culturally, because they really do not go to Europe for a cultural issue, they go there for monetary welfare. It is incredible for me that politicians do not have the slightest sense of ownership and responsibility with the people of their nations.

Germany, like the rest of Europe, is not being governed by Germans or Europeans, but by an international force that does not believe in the cultural identity of each nation.

What if the Europeans simply do not want to accept refugees? Just one example, it does not matter if refugees bring economic progress, which is not true. Why should the government proceed against the will and feelings of the people? Are Europeans in the position of coexisting with the cultural presence of other external groups?

I think there are other ways to help, if I see someone who needs help, I help him, but to help him I do not necessarily have to give him a room in my house, because that always brings problems. Most people are inconsiderate, and will bite the hand that feeds them.

We would have to argue about our image of man before we argue about everything else. This debate must be conducted seriously, warmly and openly. My idea of man is different from yours. I would like to learn not to be afraid of death and of changes, which probably also impose some of the comfort I have chosen to forgo.

I myself come from a refugee family and the history dates back well over two hundred years and had its effect on my parents, still. Perhaps if you want to delve deeper into the subject than before, you should personally investigate into your family history and see where your relatives come from? It has helped me a lot to look differently at this kind of debate.

Sincere greetings to you!

We would have to argue about our image of man before we argue about everything else. This debate must be conducted seriously, warmly and openly. My idea of man is different from yours.

I would like to hear about that, and about how it relates to the problem of refugees.

you should personally investigate into your family history and see where your relatives come from?

Well, if we go back to history, most of us will always have some immigrant ancestry. But I think that individual migration is different, to massive immigration, without including cultural gaps, which in this case are many as we already know.

Greetings to you too!

I will come back to you in the next days or so. For tonight I will tune out of the blockchain.

I skip from now on the voting button in this conversation. So don't take it as rude or something.

I will come back to you in the next days or so. For tonight I will tune out of the blockchain.

Will be a pleasure.

I skip from now on the voting button in this conversation. So don't take it as rude or something.

Don't worry!

Personally I don't think EU can be saved. Even India is taking inspiration from the wrong countries. SEA with countries like Singapore and (if they managed to get their economy stable) Japan could become a much better place.

Apparently you're right.

What exactly do you mean by "EU"? Do you talk about the political corpse, the European Parliament? Or do you refer to the European countries? Do you talk about economy? From what EU cannot be "saved"?

I was specifically talking about the central bureaucratic Brussels based political entity and the economic conditions. They are like the pre-housing bubble of USA but far worse and when the bubble pops things won't go very well.

Sure, Germany as well can become the next Greece or Spain economically viewed.
Things will change, either by design or by disaster. The disaster does not come from Brussels alone, it comes as well from the peoples themselves if they are not willing to change lifestyles and drink the water they preach. Politicians are like flags in the wind, they turn towards the strongest wind blowing. That's human nature.

I prefer to be the change I like to take place and seek for good examples, people and best practices I observe and read about. Media already can be a slaughterhouse.

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