Socialism Does Not Achieve Equality — A Discussion With Donald Kendall
Socialism does not achieve what it preaches, and instead represents a system of social control and centralized planning. In this episode of Crossroads, Donald Kendall, host of Heartland Institute's "In the Tank" podcast, explains that even outside its economic failures, socialism is the top-down governance of a society that tramples minority rights, diversity in thought, and diversity in values.
Video Source:
Crossroads - The Epoch Times
Donny Kendal - The Heartland Institute
Western Conservative Summit
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As long as any political system is part of the present banking system Equality is not on the table!
Agreed, but it shouldn't ever strive for equality in that sense either. People are not equal in a monetary way, some folks live for earning and contributing value while others are simply lazy :)
Equality in protections under the rule of law, rights to services, opportunities, and freedom from persecution based on differences sure. But equality in monetary value not so much...
Our society dose not compensate hard workers very well either most of the time ... But the monetary inequality is so huge it must be put into the equation to some degree or you will never afford to practice any of the freedoms and equality granted you!