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RE: How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Five: The American Deep State

"The people that defend the Deep State after previously have denied it's existence have no credibility.".

This accounts for every single person that I know offline, except for the people who live in double think, and continue to deny the deep state (previously, shadow government) exists, while, at the same time admitting that it does.

Delusional people are not to be trusted, with anything. It is unclear how to proceed without rubbing these idiots noses in the truth.


you can lead a jackass to water, but you can't make him think

Buried in all the background links are essays on why people don't change their minds; cognitive biases are strong..and they are the flip side of heuristics.

Here is the go-to link I use, though, in terms of politics:
Why People Are Irrational about Politics

I wonder if the jackasses would drink if I threw them in the water and then sat on their head.

Thanks for the link. This is more a manifestation of frustration than confusion. I understand the dynamics of denial, but facing the reality is infuriating sometimes, especially when our futures depend on the denial being resolved.

I think I have FINALLY moved past the anger stage in accepting that people are stupid.

I'm stupid on occasion. Weak and cowardly at times as well. Lack of controlling anger.

But every time you fail, you take a second or a day or whatever time you need to pick yourself up in, and you keep trying

when our futures depend on the denial being resolved.

and this is the reason to keep trying. Keep you chin up, by fighting we are proving that we are free!

Thanks for the encouragement.

I think the majority of the anger comes from continually having to toss people overboard when their denial becomes dangerous to me. Sometimes it happens to people who were previously awake. It's like the freaking body snatchers.

I do keep trying. That is what this foray into social media is about. I'm all out of allies and sounding boards in meatspace.

I'm glad we are having this discussion. Tomorrow's post is about the emotional costs of fighting the Infowar, including isolation and anger.

We have to gut it out. That danger is our worst danger to ourselves

I just told Rich we are gonna win. Focus on that through the anger ;>

I agree with you about what this guy is doing, but you're just making things worse calling him out. I feel like doing the same thing, but if you keep pissintg him off the worse it will get. Time to take a step back and focus on what this is all about. Like the saying goes: Keep your eye on the prize. You won't garner much sympathy calling him names. Everything will work itself out, just be patient and let the powers that be do their thing. You already have one whale on your side...You don't want to lose him or turn prospective help away!

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