WEEKS WHERE DECADES HAPPEN!steemCreated with Sketch.

Image source: from the very talented and astute Ben Garrison

Here are some highlights of yet another amazing article from a very talented writer Jim Quinn (whom I've recommended before). First, its very telling title:

The article is jam packed with the chilling truths about what is really going on these days with this planned event that is changing the face of humanity:

  • Let me begin with the telling and highly appropriate quote (given these dark times) from none other than Vladimir Lenin:


  • What makes a Crisis special is the public’s willingness to let leaders lead even when they falter and to let authorities be authoritative even when they make mistakes. - Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning


  • I’ve been writing about our ongoing crisis for over ten years, so it’s not really a shock to me the shit has finally hit the fan...I’ve felt like nothing happened in the last decade as the Fed and politicians in DC were able to issue tens of trillions in debt to postpone the inevitable consequences of living beyond our means for the last forty years.

  • As the stock market rose 400%, the Fed balance sheet quadrupled to $4.5 trillion, the national debt doubled to $23 trillion, student loan debt tripled to $1.6 trillion, credit card debt reached a new high of $1.1 trillion, auto loans reached a new high of $1.2 trillion, corporate debt surged to a new high of $10 trillion (50% higher than 2008 high), home prices soared above their 2005 bubble highs, and the Fed suppressed interest rates to inflate the everything bubble,

  • Those who didn’t stay on the sidelines were the executives of Wall Street Too Big To Trust banks, Boeing, the airlines, oil companies and virtually every mega-corporation in the S&P 500. They used the Fed’s easy money to borrow and repurchase $7 trillion of their own stock over the last ten years. The effect was to propel stock prices and valuations to all-time highs, resulting in obnoxiously outrageous pay packages and bonuses for the egomaniacal greedy CEOs and their toady kiss ass lackeys.

  • It also left most mega-corps with mega amounts of debt and no cash on their balance sheets. With the Fed having their back, no need to invest in old fashioned things like new facilities or research and development. Financialization cured everything and enriched the oligarchs. No need to prepare for a downturn, because the Fed had outlawed downturns. Yellen assured us there wouldn’t be another financial crisis in her lifetime. I guess she died in February.


  • The titans of Wall Street believed the the president’s investment advice propelling the markets to all-time highs in late February, making my assessment appear wrong once again. Then it seemed like decades happened in the last three weeks.


  • We exited the eye of the hurricane and have seen our ship of state capsized, as an immense wave of reality has destroyed the delusions of millions and exposed the Fed as a feckless fraud, manned by reckless academics following the orders of a banking cabal and their corporate cronies. All while the corporate media propaganda mouthpieces of the oligarchy use panic, fear and misinformation to lead the masses towards their desired outcome – more governmental control and more wealth and power for the ruling oligarchs.

  • Those running this country (and the world), whether elected, unelected, or invisible to the common people, have chosen to use this global pandemic to purposely create a global depression in order to “save us” from the 1% to 3% possibility of death.

  • As usual, they use the tactics of fear propaganda to herd the sheep towards the slaughterhouse. Small businesses must go bankrupt and tens of millions must lose their jobs in order to stop this Chinese virus. But, who ultimately benefits?

  • The U.S. Constitution is conveniently ignored when our leaders want something done immediately. Each Fourth Turning has resulted in less freedom and liberty for the average person and more power and control for the Federal government and those who control the Federal government. It is all justified as responding to a crisis created by the very policies they implemented, creating the crisis in the first place. In every case, the citizens are the losers and bankers, corporatists, globalists and bureaucrats are the winners.

  • Their goal is to turn the masses against each other – remember “See something, say something.” At first it was about terrorists, but now that the dumbed down masses have been indoctrinated, it will be reporting your neighbor to the authorities for leaving his house without authorization. We are now only days from martial law. This isn’t a crazy conspiracy theory. Your beloved government is drawing up plans as we speak. Just as the Patriot Act was already written before 9/11 and ready to be implemented, the blueprint for martial law is written, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to be executed. The time has arrived.

  • The nation will be put under martial law lockdown. If they somehow can get the virus under control in a couple weeks through pure luck or a miracle treatment, they may be able to keep control for a while longer. But, if this lockdown extends to a month, the natives will become restless and begin to cast off their chains. They will begin to disobey and revolt. Then, just as the scene played out in V for Vendetta, someone will do something stupid and the dominoes will fall.

  • All it will take is a trigger-happy National Guardsman to kill an innocent American daring to break a curfew and all hell will begin to break loose. Those long lines at gun stores across the country are not a vote of confidence in our government. There are a lot of pissed off Americans with guns who know the identity of the culprits. High gates and penthouse doormen will not protect them. Faith in the leadership of this country is waning. People are helping each other and learning they can’t depend on the government.

  • These desperate fiscal and monetary measures will not work. Trust in the financial system is plummeting. Tens of millions are seeing their retirement savings evaporate in a matter of weeks – again.

  • As the domestic situation worsens, what will our reckless, arrogant, egomaniacal leaders do? They will capitalize on the anger towards China and try to provoke a military engagement with them, and probably Russia through NATO. Nothing like a war to distract the people from being screwed by their leaders. Plus, it would have the added benefit of employing disgruntled young men as cannon fodder – oh I mean heroes.

  • Strauss and Howe were certainly accurate in their assessment of the risks on the horizon: “The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.”

  • Up until now, this Fourth Turning seemed rather sedate and slow moving. But decades worth of events just happened in the last three weeks and we are headed into a whirlwind of trouble, with the fate of our country hanging in the balance. Are you ready to fight for a better future? It’s time to decide. It’s time to take control away from those who have failed us.

We certainly live in interesting times!

I do encourage you to read the entire article

Peace to all. Remain safe and courageous!

In Truth & Liberty




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the true risk / cost of the biotech / biohacking / gmo technology... and it's just a little one... wait for a sea virus to use aquabounty salmon to jump... or bacteria... they think it's just code, but the code of life is stable, by "designing" they introduce imbalance... (technically they don't understand I guess yet the 3rd nature of dna, silent dna, dna / rna interaction / virus dna / what they call imperfections functions and dna evolution in regard to time and ecoystem)...

how many trillions generated by the gmo industry , ie higher than natural plants, vs the cost of just this coronavirus... but without gmo hitlary will not have found the perfect venue for her bribe child rape system...

it's not that complex when you start to see their web of transactions... it's even very small and concentrated, sadly, it impacts a lot of people, like the last stone of pyramid...

anyway, good luck to understand.

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