THE WIKIPEDIA EXPERIMENT: Looking Under the Rug...

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


Lately, there have been some heated discussions regarding Wikipedia (see here and here) - arguably the internet's most go-to source for information about just about anything or anyone imaginable - so I thought I would look into the matter, as I've almost always had some doubts and uncertainties regarding the authorship of its massive collection of entries.

Wikipedia ranks 5th (globally) and 6th (in the United States). So needless to say, it is one of the most important sites on the internet. The masses use it almost every week, if not every day or other day.

With such a high ranking, I think it is worth taking some time regarding who exactly creates and edits the pages on this online encyclopedia.

Reading on the subject, I came across a wonderful tool that can be used to simplify the process of investigating who exactly authors and edits its page entries. The tool is called whovisual and is simply a browser extension module (available for Chrome and Firefox web browsers).


What is very cool and useful about this tool is that it provides an extra tab to a Wikipedia page entitled "Whocolor" which, when clicked, will display the complete list of editors for that particular Wikipedia page.


So anyhow, I thought to myself what the heck. I downloaded the extension and installed it and then proceeded to try it out on some select pages/topics for which I tought would be very interesting to see who the editors were. Here is the list of pages I have consulted and will show detailed results below:

  • Natural News [by Mike Adams the Health Ranger]
  • David Icke
  • Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting conspiracy theories
  • Pizzagate conspiracy theory
  • List of conspiracy theories
  • Vaccine controversies
  • Climate change denial
  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy
  • 9/11 conspiracy theories

So, let's take a look under the rug for each of these one by one in order to demystify who the knowledgeable and trustworthy authors are...

Natural News [by Mike Adams the Health Ranger]

As we all know, the Natural News website has been under attack for a very long time. First, it was Google who completely flushed the website and all its pages from its search engine. And recently, YouTube also wiped out all of its videos on his platform. Pretty disgusting indeed. But what else can we expect from these tech giants who take their orders from their New World Order masters. Anyway, let's see what's in there...


As we can see, the editor called Everymorning accounts for almost 53% of the content.


So whois this? A 23 year old guy named Jinkinson Payne Smith. What's his background? Well, there's a link to his Facebook page:


As we can see from his 'Work and Education' page, he is a recent university graduate who has only held one job as a 'Courtesy Clerk' for Kroger. Not exactly the health or science expert who would be in a position to evaluate the website Natural News. (Well to be fair, he did study some biology and chemistry.)

David Icke
I couldn't wait to find out who was behind our infamous David Icke - our "Conspiracy Theorist par excellence".


Here we have the editor SlimVirgin who accounts for a whopping 81% of the edited page. But who is that? A girl (I presume) named Sarah:


What appears a bit troubling to me is, first, the fact that she is a Wikipedia administrator. These people have a lot of power over Wikipedia's content, as can be seen via their page on the subject:


Wikipedia editors who have been granted the technical ability to perform certain special actions on the English Wikipedia. They include the ability to block and unblock user accounts, IP addresses, and IP ranges from editing, edit fully protected pages, protect and unprotect pages from editing, delete and undelete pages, rename pages without restriction, and use certain other tools.

Moreover, she states on her page: "I've helped to write three of Wikipedia's content policies—Biographies of living persons, No original research and Verifiability—and several guidelines, including Conflict of interest." (I wonder for who she has written a biography) Anyway, needless to say, da girl's got power! "Sorry David, I'm shape-shifting you into a conspiracy nut and you're going down! - Love Sarah."

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting conspiracy theories

This was a "hot one" I knew would yield some interesting results.

WARNING: Alex Jones, you better hide in the closet for a while...


For this masterpiece, we have a dynamic duo which consists of Neutrality and BDD who account for over 54% of the edits. It's interesting to note the sheer number of edits Neutrality has in a single day which leads me to believe he may suffer from 'Multiple Personality Disorder' (or drinks wayyy to much Monster or Rockstar energy drinks):


It's also worthwhile to note that BDD's also got da power as an admin (I wonder if he's dating Sarah; they'd probably make for a real cool power couple):


Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Okay, now for this one I (seriously) would expect someone perhaps more qualified than the clowns above and familiar with this conspiracy which focuses on pedophilia in the Washington D.C. area. But let's see...


Nope. Sorry. We have Josve05a - a 20 year old young man from Sweden - as the top editor of this important scandal with almost 28% of edit counts.


Then, we have GreenMeansGo with over 19% of the edits:


He describes himself as:

I'm a racially ambiguous, straight, married, father of one. My academic background is in social work, and I have a background working in human resources in the military. My interests on Wikipedia are pretty eclectic, but I'm a fairly simple fellow and tend to stay away from sports, pop culture, highly technical subjects, and anything that's too culturally distant.

So, no. Once again this "racially ambiguous" (whatever the f... that means) is no expert in the field.

But maybe DrFleischman can save the day and bring some much needed credibility to this page, right? I mean if he's a Dr. maybe he has some experience on child abuse. No. Actually he has no such thing.


The image above is a bit small. But on part of it, he describes himself as:

I am not a doctor. At least, not a medical one. My username is an homage to a "young, somewhat uptight, Jewish doctor from Manhattan" whose "neurotic, almost Woody Allen-like, urban mindset" clashes with "the easy-going, community-minded people around him."

Moreover, at the bottom of his page he states:

Articles I'm hoping to work on in the near future include:

  • American Legislative Exchange Council
  • National security letter
  • Panetta Review
  • Stop Islamization of America





Aspiring to write these - especially the last one: "Stop Islamization of America" - is alarming, to say the least.

Strike 3! Absolutely nobody qualified to write or verify things on this very serious and important subject. Honestly, Mr. Jimmy Wales (co-founder of Wikipedia), you sure know how to pick 'em (sarcasm intended).

List of conspiracy theories

Okay now this should open up a nice can of worms.






Now our expert du jour is none other than the one and only Cpaaoi with 44.4% of the conspiratorial edits.


The only information provided on his page is the statement:

Interesting watching how Wikipedia is put together!

Huuuuhmmmm. Okkkkayyy. I wonder how many tainted vaccines he received as a baby/toddler and whether he's been living in a Chemtrail friendly neighborhood, as that could explain things a tad bit.

But surely, they must have editors who can bring some credibility in order to debunk some of these conspiracy theories, right?

Vaccine controversies


Sorry, I didn't mean to get your hopes up earlier, but things might get somewhat more strange as we venture a bit deeper into this rabbit hole.

The duo of Eubulides & Mollymouse - wait, is that a new Saturday morning comics team? ah, forget it... - account for over 30% of the edits for this page.



Ok, let's forget about Eubulides because I am not exactly sure from which planet he originates. Mollymouse is absolutely more interesting and fascinating anyway! She's a UK resident with an interest in medical history, especially infectious diseases, their control and the personalities involved. "Personalities"? so maybe, those nasty vaccines just get in a bad mood and decide to poison babies, right Mollymouse? But, hey maybe it's just her own distinctive and eclectic personality. What is perhaps more re-assuring from this editor is her confidence in Wikipedia itself:

Not convinced that Wikipedia is a good thing.

Need I say more?

(somebody shoot me please...)

Climate change denial


On this very controversial topic we have yet another dynamic duo - Batman and Robin you have been vaporized by climate change; we are taking over! - of Mann jess & Dave_souza. Let's begin with Mann_Jess, cause at least he put the effort in providing his personal picture:


Don't be fooled by his young age, good looks, and lack of experience in the field of science, he is undoubtedly one of the leading experts and authorities in the world on climate change.

But his partner 'Dave_souza' should be able to fly in and save the world from climate change Armageddon, no?


After all, he is the 'local authority architect' (not sure from where though, maybe his from his home planet where the air is much cleaner...). Well, come on guys; we at least gotta trust this guy. Even though he provides no photo of himself as his partner did, his bio does state that:

"was a fairly upright character"

Wait. "was" a "fairly" upright character. Yes, finally! A guy we can 100% trust to debunk those pesky conspiracy naysayers.

Assassination of John F. Kennedy


The main editor of this page (with 14.4% of edits) is a very young man nicknamed Walloon


This guy barely looks 25 years old and this is the main editor for the official JFK Assassination page? The event happened in 1963 over 54 years ago; so it would make perfect sense that this young man was the person most fitting to cover such a subject. Sorry, once again: speechless!

9/11 conspiracy theories

The last one on my list is about the absolute nutjob contention that 9/11 was a hoax/inside job. Cough cough. More of the same guys, more of the same:




I'll conclude by saying: I think I've made my point. Sadly, I certainly will never see Wikipedia in the same light again.

I do as a long time educator, however, still see Wikipedia as a very valuable resource. I merely hope that the tentacles that have usurped Google, Facebook, and Twitter don't get their dirty claws all over Wikipedia in the same fashion. These parasites operate in the shadows and use some very sad candidates to act as their agents. If they really takeover Wikipedia, it's gonna be a true Orwelian Minitrue nightmare.


I invite you all to download the tool called whovisual and conduct your own inspections and analyses of some of your favorite controversial Wikipedia pages.

When doing so, i would appreciate if you could insert a &link to this original post and link in the comments section below so that we can grow this list.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Please upvote, re-steem, and subscribe if you did.

In Truth & Liberty,



Great post Dan. Very informative. Upvoting and sharing. Wikipedia is simply another tool in the elite/Deep State arsenal used to keep us from seeing the people behind the curtain pulling all the deceptive strings. Link to WhiteHelmetsExposed Twitter feed where I shared it.

Thank you Christopher. Sorry for the late reply. How are things lately? Strange things have been happening lately; and I don't know what to make of a lot of it. Seems like everything is an illusion these days.

I would simply say that that "everything" you mention is running into the people of the world waking up to the lies we've been told. Thus, the ones holding all the money and power and attempting to steer the herd are conducting more and more surreal and pathetic things in order to keep this from happening. They are intentionally sowing confusion and divisiveness and expecting the sheep to march along.

I expect it to get a lot stranger yet as more things become revealed and the corrupt and murderous elite 'controllers' of public perception push more divisiveness, ridiculousness and censorship to repress the truth and keep it all from coming out. This is why they put Trump in constantly have distractions that grow more and more bizarre in order to hold the publics attention while they attempt to finish up their NWO plans. The media and the Hollywood crowd simply are playing their roles (for example, comedian Kathy Griffin holding up a replica of Trumps decapitated head) and Trump is playing his role as was planned by his controllers. The global banksters and Zionist thieves are in their end game but the train just won't stay on the tracks. The more conscious we all become, the more they despise us. I think they thrive on negative energy. Thus, I think we are winning. As long as we stay positive and do not grow despondent or afraid. The key to exposing them all is both sides waking up to the fact that we are all being played against each other.

Hehe...isn't it awesome to have these young fresh faces with no life experience telling everyone how and what to think?...just too funny to me!

Very perplexing indeed. Goes to show how gullible us human beings are. We blindly believe way more than we should. Education systems, by design, have largely taken away our innate ability to question things (as very young children do) and use critical thinking. It's probably going to get ten times worse with smartphones and AI. Sad.

Based on how often I see teenagers or young adults crying about how useless/difficult Math is, which I think is quite important when it comes to logical/critical thinking, we will have a huge problem in 10-15 years. Also, people can be fooled everywhere thanks to not understanding simple correlations, numbers, statistics, etc. It's already happening, but it will be even worse. For politicians, this is awesome news.

Furthermore, they can be fooled by companies, banks, etc, easily to pay more without them even understanding why they pay more than they expected. Because as I said, they have difficulties when it comes to numbers.

Indeed, but don't limit yourself to teenagers and young adults, as this is the case even with most brain-dead adults!

Sure, I know it's not solely a young people problem. Just wanted to emphasize how the education is getting worse every year and what I see among students.

Excellent analysis! Great job in breaking down the Wikipedia author story. It raises a lot of important questions on the reliability of Wikipedia.. and this is beyond the many other questions on Wikipedia that already existed.

Thanks! Much appreciated.

Do you think that Everipedia will offer the tools for individuals to take back some power? Something as basic as factual knowledge and encyclopedia is critical for a stable society.

Is that the new one that will be on blockchain?

very interesting - thank you for digging into this - another testament to Orwell's prophecy

Indeed my friend. Following you now!

As I you - I followed and documented pizzagate from the get go - I remember how quickly it was pulled off of Reddit and pushed down on Twitter, and then the Wiki page showed up. Maybe we can get the wiki page authors to finally answer the questions : what is a "handkerchief with map that seems pizza related," how do you play "dominoes on cheese or pasta," and how is "traffic really warm and weird in light of Hastert"?

It's amazing how far this has been removed from the original emails that started the questioning. It's sad, actually.

The Khazar run Deep State, CIA control Wikipedia which Is a propaganda tool used for controlling Information & perpetuates false his-story disinformation to protect the lies & deceptions of the criminals running this satanic system.

Not entirely. But you can certainly see how Wikipedia has evolved into a corporate sellout like the tech giants (even if technically they are not suppose to be so). Everipedia will pretty much make them obsolete in a few years, I reckon.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Information Resource Research
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